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Setting off from Africa in April
To the shores of their homeland,
As a long triangle were flying
Drowning in the sky the cranes.

Spreading his silvery wings
Across the entire globe of the sky
The leader led to the land of the riches
His small in number family in a flight.

But when under the wings
Transluscent lake sparkled in the sun,
A black barrel of doom
Appeared from the bushes and grass.

A ray of fire hit the heart of a bird,
A quick flame lit up and died,
And a piece of wonderful greatness
From above fell down to us.

Two wings like two gigantic sorrows
Hugged the cold wave of the lake,
And the cranes hurried up to the clouds
In the rhythm of the great despair.

Only where the spheres of heaven are moving,
Repaying for their own evil deads of past,
The Mother Nature then returned them
That, which was taked by Death:

The proud soul, the higher wishes,
Power of will not bending in the fight;
Everything that from an older generation
You're recieving, youth, now.

But the leader in a shirt of metal
Slowly he was reaching for the bottom of the lake,
And the sunset created above him
A spot of gold and red.

Again a Russian poem translated by me. I first read it in the 6th grade Literature book, and it immediatly touched my heart. I really hope you'll also like it. This poem's author is Zabolotsky.