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Kerry: Did you like it? Kim: Yes. First edition, must have been expensive. Kerry: Well, what's the point of working like a maniak if you can't spend a little money on your friends? Kim: Friends?.. I don't think we're on the same place on this, Kerry. Kerry: On what? Christmas? Kim: No, us. I don't need any more friends. Kerry: Oh... OK, OK... I understand. Kim: Do you? Kerry: No, I don't. I like you, and I respect you, and I thought that we were really hitting off. Kim: Well, that's the problem. You're straight, and I'm not. And I've done this before, and it didn't work out, and I'm not going to do this again. Kerry: But I'm not asking you for this. I mean, we are comfortable together, we have a lot in common, we have fun together... (Kim kisses Kerry) Kim: That's why I can't be your friend, Kerry.

Well, here's another quote from ER, and yet another couple I would like to be together. Too bad the Warners Brothers decided they were better off apart from each other.