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Prayer to the Stars.

Sometimes the darkness will fill me with fear.
Sometimes I feel my worst nightmares are near.
The night is so cold and I cry all alone,
I cannot remember; I've lost my way home.
With blackness before me and blackness behind,
I turn to the heavens and there will I find:

Star light, star bright,
The only star I see,
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have just one dream granted to me.
Star light, star bright,
It's dark and I can't see.
I need your little shining light
To bring life to the Child that's here with me.

I don't fear the darkness, the nightmares, the night,
For all of these things cannot drown out the light
Of the single sweet star that is guiding me home,
And my heart sings for joy;  I'm no longer alone.
The glow from my star beams down brilliant and true.
Dear Child, don't you know that this bright star is you?

Star light, star bright,
The only star I see,
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have just one dream granted to me.
Star light, star bright,
Please listen now to me
And never stop your shining.
Sweet Child, you are so beautiful to me.

I finally got Meghann McCall's permission to post here some of the poems and quotes from her amazing fanfic which you can find at And this one has got to be my very favorite of them.