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Major spoiler warning for the Meghann McCall's fanfic about Sailor Orion!!!

"It's not your fault, Shinzui.  What he did is not 
your fault.  So...,"  Haruka leaned forward, tilting 
Shinzui's face up, and lowered her lips to the blind 
girl's in a light, accepting kiss.  "I forgive you, Sailor 
Orion.  I forgive you."

Shinzui gave a soft cry and threw her arms around the 
racer's neck.  For a long time both girls held one another, 
the salt of their tears blending with the salt of the 
waves and providing a healing, indescribably sweet 
cleansing that was about a thousand lifetimes overdue.

I am in love with Meghann McCall's writing. And this moment just seems to me like the most important point of the entire fanfic.