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In retrospect.

Two of the most terrifying words in the English 
vocabulary.  It means an event has taken place that 
cannot be changed.  That the players involved have 
found their lives unalterably affected in some way.  
Nothing can be done to change the past.

In retrospect.

Words used to examine the aftermath.  The pensive 
thoughts can bring with them pleasant memories and 
haunting demons.  In silence or in speech we find 
ourselves debating if that thing of the past had been 
right.  If it had been wrong.  If it could have been 
prevented.  If it was necessary.

Was the change worth it?

Was it worth the passion or pain?

Have the ends justified the means?

Can you still look that other person in the eye the 
same way now?  If you can, then there is a chance 
that "in retrospect" had been good to you, or that you 
were good to that which demands a reflection.

Like those within the realm created by Naoko Takeuchi, 
we all ride a carousel of emotions, a neverending 
cycle of doubts and laughter, of tears and screams, of anger and love.  Sometimes we will always find 
ourselves coming back to that one place in our lives.  
One single moment in our history that brings with it 
everything the senses can recall, embodied in the purest emotional cocktail.

Ask yourself now, in retrospect.

Was it worth it?

Do you regret it?

Can you look into her eyes, and tell her that you love her?

This is a quote from a BSSM fanfic "Touch and Go Carousel" by Lord Chaos, from whom I actually got a permission to post it here. Well, as I already mentioned, I'm obsessed with the good writing, and this writing is definitely good.