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There exists a moment of inspiration on Earth when you 
cannot hold inside everything assembled in your soul 
anymore.  Your own words written only a second ago 
bring tears to your eyes.  They express everything, 
life, death, love, supreme happiness, 
and, by some inexplicable chance, eternal, 
unsoothable sorrow.  Someone loves, someone suffers, 
while in your own soul the dark ice is frozen with its 
deadly coldness, like the word on the paper, or the 
thoughts in a mind, or a genius in his terrible, but 
inevitable grave.  The genius owns nothing, he is 
soon forgotten, and yet he has everything; he has 
love, his own love, and the love given to him.  Will I 
ever be able to make my heart love this way so that 
life and death won't seem to me equally horrible?  
I guess I will, otherwise what hope would I be 
following now in still being alive?  But in that moment, 
when the muse, the most terrible and beautiful of all 
muses called love, visits me, there is nothing more 
supreme than its expression, even simply on the paper.  
I guess that's how you feel when your beloved, the 
only woman in the world for whom you would swim the 
oceans and cross the fiery lava of vulcanos, shows you 
for the first time her true love.  Virginity leaves 
you forever, as the first full moon of the spring, once 
lighting the entire heaven for a shiny night, is doomed 
to leave the existance; you're hurting, but that hurt 
is physical.  It goes in no comparison with that 
feeling, the very height of emotions, the end of the 
world itself, beyond which lies nothing that our poor 
and at the same time strangely genius human mind is 
capable of imagining.  You're flying in the clouds, in 
the endless starry universe into the arms of 
eternity.  I guess, that's how it is.  I can't be 
sure, for my own heart is still imprisoned by the 
unbreakable holds of ice.  I'm left only with my 
words, but the tears running down from my eyes 
unquestionably bring with them hope.  I really am 
capable of feeling love, even if it is only for the words. 
 I am capable to finding joy and suffering to their beat as 
a violin finds joy and suffers in the arms of a great 
genius, whose destiny is to become immortal in his 
eternity of being forgotten by all the living.  And 
maybe some day the other kind of love will too come to 
me.  But meanwhile, in those moments when the bright 
passionate sun comes together with the pale yet
mysterious moon into one single truly beautiful 
explosion of inspiration, I feel that I can do 
anything, even open my heart completely and tell the 

Well, the poem I've written (the one I've posted above) got me in a very emotional state so I actually did start crying. And since I really AM obsessed with writing, here is just an example of what happens when I become even more insane than usual. It was actually originally in Russian, and I only translated it now.