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Prisoner of the Moon

His fate drawn in the stars of fire,
He's slave to his eternal sin.
The darkness is the Dragon's body,
The sparks of passion are his wings.

His eyes are glowing with a vision
Of cruel world, which he gave rise.
A stone of red shines on his crown,
The shade of love, the shade of blood.

Eras ago, at birth of sunrise,
At birth of Earth, at birth of skies,
He was the one who dreamed of greatness,
He gave the humankind its life.

Now, haunted by nightmares of deaths,
Of cruelty, of pain, of war,
The Dragon's guilt forever binds him
With sparkling magic chains of gold.

At night he's doomed to watch our planet
Through mist of clouds, through dust and dew.
His own creation's self-destruction
He sees, the prisoner of silver Moon.

This is my own poem, copyright © to me. Well, did you expect me to write something optimistic after the September 11th attack?