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The Storm
The darkness surrounds me,
And raindrops fall down,
As if gods from heavens
Cry out and die.

The trees hold their branches
Like claws, and in dark,
I cannot remember
To fight my own fright.

The drops burn my skin
With their coldness, and I
Run quickly through forest
From something to hide.

The lightning light heaven,
Shining evil and bright;
It's hopeless, it's useless,
I no longer fight!

There's something before me,
Gigantic and cold,
The walls of the gray
Medieval stone.

Is that what in darkness
I was running from?
The ghosts of this castle
Have guided me home.

The Road of the Heart
"Follow your heart--
It will guide you to truth."
Is not that the old
Proverbial rule?

But how can I follow
The road of my heart
If it's neither paved
Nor even clear-cut?

It runs through the hills,
Climbs mountains of fear,
Passes deep rivers,
Draws strength from clear springs.

It's covered with grass
That towers knee-high,
Each emerald plant
Reaching for the blue sky.

The storms on my road
Rage every day,
And now I'm not sure
If I'm alive without them.

Darkness captures this route
With its tireless night;
It is ebony black--
Not a star is in sight.

How can I hope
To reach the end
Of this eternal,
Full-of-obstacles way?

It's easy to say,
"Follow your heart",
But what if that heart
Cannot tell you what's right?

Eternal Question
My life is full of countless questions,
Which I can't answer except with one more question.
Yet does that really constitute an answer?
Or does that only to confusion add force?

A question and an answer,
Confusion and knowledge--
Like day and night are different
And yet so symbiotic.

Not only do they each spring from each other,
But you could also interchange them sometimes
And answer question with another question,
Forgetting that I long for just a simple answer.

"What do I feel?"
"Don't you know yourself?"
"Could you please read my soul for me?"
"Can't you just find that lock on your heart's shelf?

"But how can I its words translate?"
"Weren't you the one insisting on coding this text?"
"What could I do but lock my feelings up?
"Could not have you opened your heart right from the start?"

It goes like that from morning and 'til night.
"Who are you to tell me what is good and right?
Who are you to confuse me even more?"
"Who am I? Perhaps the locked part of your soul?"

The River in Egypt
There was nobody home,
And again all alone
I was thinking about my life:
What I have done,
What haven't I done,
What is now beyond my might.

How could have I been
So blind to my will,
So blind to all of the Earth?
Had from my daydream
Really spring
A new world all of my own?

In my corner I sit,
Listening to my heartbeat,
Not willing to make a sound.
If only I speak,
My golden cage'll disappear
And completely uncover my heart.

What do I feel?
Yes, it is fear,
Clawing my soul in the dark.
So I'll just stay in my world;
It's safe, although cold,
And although here I'm never alive.

* * *
Black and white mixed--
Total confusion here reigns;
There is nothing clear.

The smell of the spring,
The cherry trees in full bloom.
Their color makes my heart sing.

It's too late to think,
And yet I'm here writing this
Poetic nonsense.

I come into the total darkness
Protecting you in the throne room.
"Didst thou call me?" -- "I've been waiting,
Waiting all night just to see you."

Words reverberate around,
Moonlight dances in your eyes,
And for a moment, my sweet princess,
I lose myself within their fire.

You shake your head and smile softly,
Your crown shatters at your feet,
And your eternal gaze just tells me
I'm all alone with thee.

You gently call me to come closer
And give to me a scarlet rose.
"What dost thou willst of me," I ask you,
"My heart, my honor, or something more?"

Your smile could have melted icebergs,
Our lips touch lightly in a kiss.
"I don't want anything," you tell me.
"My love, I'm waiting just for thee."

A Rider
In the study I was sitting
With some French book in my lap,
And I was engaged in reading
Something I couldn't understand.

All of a sudden out of nowhere
Came very loud clattering noise,
Like someone had, with skillfull power,
Ridden up to our house a wild horse.

My reading in no time forgotten,
I hurried to the outside.
My dog cheered up and quickly followed,
Thinking that games were on my mind.

But no, the play with it excitement
Could not compare to what I've seen:
Upon a wild hores was riding
A lady beautiful as dream.

Her pretty dress of blue-white satin
Went perfectly with azure eyes,
And a greet had looked like a crown
Upon the curls of reddish-brown.

Behind her horse was quickly running
A dark brown dog of no good breed,
And, as the unknown rider dismounted,
It loyally sat at her feet.

The lady's voice was like a bird's song,
Her sky blue eyes looked right through me,
"Where are your mother and your father?
I've come long way with them to speak."

If only I was a bit braver,
I could have shown to her the way
And meanwhile revelled in her beauty
And maybe even asked her name.

But shyness proved to strong to battle;
I ran away from those sweet eyes
And never saw them in my lifetime;
Their memory, though, lives in my heart.

In the darkness of an ancient forest,
In between coal-black of trees,
There's a little oak log cabin
With the windowsills of leaves.

In the cabin lives a wizard,
Strange old man with snow-white beard,
And, as the sun and moon go past him,
Books are his only company.

Years ago he had been stronger,
'Twas before his feet got old--
But no longer can the wizard
Travle all across the world.

In those days of ancient glory,
He could take is trusty cane
And give advises to his student
On how to be a wiser man.

And the student sat and listened
In his corner quietly,
And from time to time he whispered,
"Mentor, you're like father to me."

Well, the love of child to parent
Isn't all it's cut to be,
And the youngster left forever
While the wizard stayed with trees.

Night descends on ancient forest,
Chimney breathes out grey smoke,
And the mentor, with his knowledge,
Greets the moon alone.

* * *
'Twas a dark winter night.
I was walking alone through an ominous forest
When suddenly came a loud whistling sound,
And something touched lightly my shoulder.
I screamed loudly with fear, pouring my heart
Into my voice, and the grip of the hand got stronger.
I wished for relief, closing my eyes,
And you'll never believe what happened next in this story.

I was down at the beach, watching the sun
Reflected in teal waves of ocean;
And the shimmering sea licked the sand off the ground,
And above clouds were prancing like ponies.
From my lips escaped a joyfull cry,
Bright colors made my eyes water,
And the beach, and the sea, and the setting red sun
All disappeared in a moment.

I was standing beneath a tall Gothic arch,
And I took a shy step into throne room.
I felt hands at my waist, warmth by my side,
And in rhythm to sweet tune I was waltzing.
And beyond the tall arch were shining the stars,
And the moon flickered bright upon your crown's pearls.
I leaned forward to you, closing my eyes,
Resting my head on your shoulder.

I was in my small bed, crying alone in a darkness of night when I woke up.
I am not even sure where I'm going right now with this queer little poem--
It might be all an illusion, just a mirage,
With no plot, or meaning, or moral.

Midwinter Rose
All my life is like a river,
With its rhythmic motion up and down,
With its never-ending cycle
Of the waves of lies.
Waves are threatening to drown me,
Shore's the only hope,
But I am afraid that land will bring me
Right to blood-thirsting wolves.

Would you break me my chain?
Would you light me my way?
Would you help me get out?
Without you, I will drown.
Without you, I am lost
Like a midwinter rose.

All my life is like a maze,
With its countless corridors,
And I can't get out of it
Nor even do I want.
To each door I have a key
And I play this game--
I open one and close another;
I fight the maze's end.

What do you want of me?
What do you need?
Why can't you love me for me?
And though I don't know who I am,
I expect you to know.
I'm aware it's not fair,
But I make rules in my world.