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Moonlight Sonata 1
There is a cave in the mountain face,
With crystal-clear snow at the edges it's laced,

And in the darkness of night only the moon
Has that divine chance to see by whom it is ruled.

Majestic beauty, a rounded face,
It is embodiment of grace.

As gorgeous as the moonlit snow,
Out of the cave snow leopard strolls.

Each of its paws breaks the thin ice,
Reflection of the monarch lost forever in the night.

To the edge of the cliff the leopard strides,
At the beauty of no man's land gazing down.

It is a kingdom of ice, the heaven of snow,
And the leopard and moon are its rulers alone.

Moonlight Sonata 2
To the sound of the Moonlight Sonata,
In my fog-ridden mind cliff appears.
Covered with snow, it stands in the still,
Whisper-less darkness broken only
By the shine of the moon and soft glimmer of snow.
Flake to flake gathers softly,
And the abyss of snow is silvery white,
Its crystalline brightness mingling,
Becoming one with the dark.

There’s the cliff, and beyond there is nothing—
Virgin field never touched by a foot or a paw.
The soft notes gather as flakes, reaching perfection,
Unity, in the midst of isolation.  No hope

Fills the frost-crackling air.  The moon shines
Over darkness, trapped in its mist, enchanted
By its siren song, still by the dark thunderclouds.

Time after time I am lost in that world,
Transcending all that’s mundane, drowning in music,
Seeing—out of the dark—the smooth surface of snow,
Feeling the flakes, and stepping onto the cliff—
Not to jump; no, I’m not that brave,
Merely to revel in its existence.

Prisoner of the Moon
His fate drawn in the stars of fire,
He's slave to his eternal sin.
The darkness is the Dragon's body,
The sparks of passion are his wings.

His eyes are glowing with a vision
Of cruel world, which he gave rise.
A stone of red shines on his crown,
The shade of love, the shade of blood.

Eras ago, at the birth of sunrise,
At birth of Earth, at birth of skies,
He was the one who dreamed of greatness,
He gave the humankind its life.

Now, haunted by nightmares of deaths,
Of cruelty, of pain, of war,
The Dragon's guilt forever binds him
With sparkling magic chains of gold.

At night, he's doomed to watch our planet
Through mists of clouds, through drops of dew.
His own creation's self-destruction
He sees, the prisoner of silver Moon.

Not Fair
The words "not fair" were written in my notebook
By my own hand only a moment ago
And yet my thoughts, with the speed of a disappearing rainbown,
Erased all memory of meaning of these words.

What is not fair? What terrible injustice
Have I seen in this world only to forget?
What sudden revelation has my mind encountered?
What is it, loss of which I make myself regret?

Maybe that shining momentary thought was an epiphany,
Telling me to change "not fair" to "fair".
Maybe it was one single change of happiness
The Fate has thrown in my life's way.

She Does Not Know
Her angel eyes shine with heavenly light,
Azure as the doodness of skies.
Her hands so soft, her words so kind,
Her blond hair as brilliant as Sun.

She flies through her life as free as a bird,
Her cheerfulness drives her forth.
She does not know; oh, God, she does not know
That she is the one who I want.

I'm dark as the night lit by trembling Moon,
Whose sorrow forever I keep.
The words from my mouth caress her mind,
Yet do not reach her lips.

The light laughter of hers, her clever thoughts
Only prove to me one more time
That she does not know; oh, she does not know
That it's for her that I cry.

And her voice is too sweet for my heart to bear,
So my eyes are again full of tears.
I reach for her hand, but I dare not touch
My gentle Princess of Wind.

I long for her eyes to drown in mine,
To embrace her each day of my life.
But she does not know; oh, she does not know
That she is the one who I love.

* * *
It rains outside and yet I smile;
When I feel good inside, it's hard to bring me down.
And I am amazed at myself for than,
For being still able to sense happiness in the air.
I'm happy because it rains outside
While I am feeling around me the warmth of the house.
I'm happy because the raindrops' waltz
Is giving the pavement unearthly light glow.
And it is so quiet here,
But the sweet music of silence
Is more relaxing than any possible sound.
Its quiet notes ring perfect and clear,
And raindrops pick up their rhythm with a newfound zeal.
I'm happy because this feeling's so rare.
I'm happy because... well, I don't really care.

* * *
I read in a paper about a star
That broke out of its orbit in 1995.
It travelled through cosmos,
Left its siblings behind,
Exploring the lives of all other stars.

And then the article mentioned,
"This star is 400 light years away."
And I say there and wondered
Was it really fair then to say
That it broke out of its orbit in 1995
While really since then centuries had passed?

The light from the star travelled hundreds of years
Before the eyes of Earth scientists could even see it.
And if such an obvious event takes centuries to show,
Who is to say that our world is not already destroyed?

Maybe right now at the opposite pole
Of that great infinity we call universe,
Another Big Bang is taking place,
But it would take us to see it millions of years.

So let us go on with our surreal lives,
After all the destruction will take eons to come.
However, remember from this moment on
That the world that yu live in might be already gone.

Some call it strange, some call it sick,
Immoral, unnatural, sinful,
But something as loving, as pure, and as sweet
Can't possibly hold power of evil.

I adore woman's hair whether it's short,
Or long, straight, wavy, or curly.
I adore it because it's always so soft
When it flickers in rays of the morning.

I adore woman's eyes because of their depth,
Because only I guess their secret.
They shine with such light in night or in day,
That I slowly lose myself in them.

I adore woman's lips because of the kiss
That they never are willing to give me,
Because I could give the whole world to fulfill
That part of my heart's deep feelings.

I adore woman's breasts because they're so round--
A perfect fit for the hand palms--
And because they are always drawing my eyes,
So irresistable is their power.

I adore woman's hands because I know
What feelings thet could be giving,
Because just one soft touch or a half-finished note
Would to the heavens bring me.

I love woman's soul, for whatever my wrong,
I believe it can see in me goodness,
And only one word--a one syllable word--
Could the door to my heart push wide open.

* * *
She comes full of life, and embraces the Earth,
Her touch into emeralds turns.
Sweet-smelling flowers grow in her hair,
And her gaze with bright green always glows.
She breathes life--she is the life,
Life, passion, friendship, love.
She is all that is new again
Washed in her streaming sun.
She is the birds, she is the grass,
The sky, the earth, the trees.
She's joyous, beautiful, and gay;
She is the Spring.

Ode to the Moon
O, pretty face of distant Moon,
That silver crown in pitch black sky,
Phantasmagorical creations
Do sing their praise for you at night.

All demons living in the trees
Reach up to you with branchy hands,
And fireflies as stars on earth,
For you light up exuberant dance.

Accelerating to the sky,
The effervescent nightly breeze,
Reaching the zenith of its might,
Blows feverishly through the trees.

Nebulous figures of the night
Find a niche within the dark--
The equilibrium of Nature
Their most eclectic spirits binds.

O Moon, this nightly reverie,
As evanescent as yourself,
Brings out enigmas of the dark,
Enticing even ghosts to dance.

But as the blackness whirls around,
Contrasting your pure, silver shine,
Ephemeral nature of the night
Gives birth inevitably to the light.