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There is quite a number of pictures that I have drawn over the last couple of years that I really like and would like to be on my site. However, I was sort of hesitant in doing so because they do not necessarily go along with the anime theme of my web-site. They are very nice, though, so, if you have some free time on your hands, going through them might prove to be fun. You are welcome to use any of the coloring images, but be sure to give me the proper credit for their creation. To go straight to the particular categories of pictures, click on the links in the table below. To browse, go further and view away.

Random People, Characters, Creatures...

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Fanart

Shoujo Kakumei Utena Fanart

Book Illustrations

My Characters and I

Otaku Senshi

Pictures with Others' Characters

Random Things

Yuri Pictures

Random People, Characters, Creatures...

Please don't ask me who this is. I personally just call her Flora

Joan of Arc

Sappho. Yeap, I'm obsessed

Sappho with a lute

A pretty Asian girl in a kimono

A spaceship pirate I basically made up

The spaceship pirate again. I decided to name her Asutsura

A dragon

A mermaid with my first successful attempt at drawing water in the background

A sexy schoolgirl *sweatdrop* Enough said

I was working on manga character design, and came up with this

You know me. Having designed this character(whom we shall call Alpha), I can't resist drawing her again and again...

Alpha. A pretty nice half nude

Alpha in her school uniform. Sort of rhymes with the first picture of her

Alpha with a kendo stick

A girl having caught a ladybug. Very pretty!!!

Sexy or cute--who is to say?

A golden retriever guidedog

A sexy proposition

An exotic dancer

A stylish (and slightly butch) Parisian woman

Just a normal lesbian family

A gymnast

True love knows no bounds. A photograph

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Fanart

Haruka and Michiru embracing on the beach

A study of Yaten and Sailor Starhealer. I was trying to figure out how to draw them

Haruka and Michiru gazing at each other lovingly

Haruka giving Michiru a rose

Haruka and Michiru dancing. Not the best picture ever

A rather unfortunate portrait of Haruka

Haruka sitting on the windowsill. I really like this picture

A cute picture of Michi-chan

Michiru with a harp. What can I say? The girl is talented

Michiru playing the violin

My failed study in perspective with Sailor Neptune

A pretty picture of Princess Neptune. Sort of an illustration to one of my fanfics

An awesome picture of Princess Serenity with the Silver Crystal

Sailor Uranus standing on the edge of a desolate cliff. An illustration to Meghann McCall's fanfic

Haruka and Michiru's wedding

A pretty picture of Haruka and Michiru. Also a sort of illustration to Meghann McCall's fanfic

The same, only different

A decent picture of Michiru

Shoujo Kakumei Utena Fanart

The Rose Bride with two roses in her hands. Old pic

The Rose Bride in a coffin. What can I do? The girl likes coffins...

An absolutely awful picture of Juri

The birth of the Rose Bride

A black-and-white picture of Juri

Pretty much the same, only different

Juri threatening Utena (not shown) with a sword

Juri in a pretty evening gown. Not a good likeness

An awful Utena and an awful Anthy wearing very fancy clothes

An awful Utena riding a clearly undergrown pony

A rather bad picture of Juri with a sword

A much better picture of Juri with a sword

Juri in the dark (aren't we all?)

A young Juri in her usual nightgown

A very pretty picture of Juri in her nightgown with an orange rose

A badly drawn Utena and a badly drawn Anthy kissing (yes, each other!)

Prisoner of the Rose (in case you're wondering, it's Juri)

Juri crying in the rain *sniff*

I tried to draw Juri from my self-portrait, but she ended up resembling Boticelli's Venus rather than me

Take her revolution, Anthy, dammit!

This picture of Utena and Anthy has been bugging me for a very long time, so I edited it a bit

Hey, why can't a princess save her prince once in a while?

An unusually (for me, that is) good picture of Utena

See what I mean about my Utena pictures?

A westernized Anthy. Now, aren't you sad you didn't believe them when your parents said that everything is possible if you apply yourself?

Movie Anthy. I love her hair in this picture

Utena with very large breasts

A gorgeous picture of Utena and Anthy kissing

Poisonous beauty. Shiory-snake suffocating Juri-rose

The Sword of Dios stabbing Juri's orange rose

Book Illusrations

An illustration to my favorite book Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden

Annie and Liza from Annie on My Mind exchanging rings

Annie and Liza from Annie on My Mind on the Staten Island ferry

An illustration for Rachel Pollack's Godmother Night (well, sort of)

The same as above, only different

My Characters and I

Most of these characters can be found in my story The Missing Shade. See my Fiction and Nonfiction page.

This is how I would have looked like if I was an anime character

My self-portrait

James. Just one of the characters I created. Moving along, folks. Nothing to see here.

Jessie. Yet another character

Folks, just so you know, I have a total of four characters. Apparently, Kristin is number 3

Stacie. Finally, the last of my personal characters

James again, but this time with his girlfriend, Lily

Kristin in her sexy prom dress

Stacie and Jessie kissing

Deb, a character without a story (yet!)

A supporting character in a detective story to come

My Otaku Senshi

Ankino in her three forms. Very old pic

Ankino in a pretty gown

Anko-chan and Ichi-chan sitting together

Princess Uranus and Princess Neptune with baby Ankino in their arms

A rather horrible picture of Sailor Betelguese

Sailor Betelguese edited from a picture of Sailor Uranus

Little Sailor Betelguese edited from a picture of Sailor Saturn

The same, only different

Sailor Betelguese with her henshin wand (edited from a picture of Sailor Uranus)

Sailor Betelguese edited from a picture of Chibiusa

Ankino's best friend, Chikino

Ankino and Ichidou kissing--in their dreams...

Ichidou and Ankino holding hands

Ichidou in a beautiful dress with her heaven bird Lyra

Ankino discovering Ichidou in the lily pond

Ichidou's Lyra

A rather bad portrait of Sailor Betelguese

Sailor Vega and Sailor Betelguese: Sailor Stars

Sailor Vega (edited from a picture of Sailor Neptune) with Lyra

Sailor Betelguese and Sailor Vega edited from a picture of Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune

Ankino in a pretty evening dress

The same, only colored differently

A rather bad picture of Ichidou in a fancy dress

Ankino and Ichidou's rings

Pictures with Others' Characters

This picture was drawn as an illustration to a wonderful fanfiction written by Meghann McCall about her Otaku Senshi Sailor Orion. The link to her web-site can be found on my Links page.

Another Sailor Orion picture this time with her golden retriever Centauri. Are you starting to guess just how much I like her?

Shinzui (Sailor Orion) and Michiru at the concert

Shinzui once again. I'm sensing an obsession

Guess it's even worse than I thought. Shinzui again

Shinzui telling Demetrius that she wishes he did not love her. Just read the damn fic!!!

Yet another illustration for Sailor Orion, but this time involving all of the Senshi

The sacrifice of Sailor Orion (the Sacred Child)

Evil Lady Slipper trying to seduce Sailor Orion. You see why I like Shinzui now?

A very pretty picture of Giseino Shinzui

Shinzui with a very weird hat thingy

Sailor Orion telling Sailor Uranus that she should trust her

Shinzui with the valentine she made for Haruka. Oh yeah, yet another reason to love Sailor Orion.

A very pretty picture of Shinzui with a violin

Another illustration for Sailor Orion. The Moon Princess purifying the soul of the Prince of Darkness

Sailor Orion coloring image colored

Sailor Orion coloring image black-and-white

Shinzui coloring image colored

Shinzui coloring image black-and-white

Very pretty Shinzui coloring image colored

The same as above only black-and-white

Haruka forgiving Shinzui. Check it out. It's very pretty.

Shinzui edited from the picture of Shiori

Shinzui sitting at the ocean. Very pretty

Sailor Orion singing with her Orion Music Sphere

The transformation of Sailor Orion (sorry for the spoiler)

The Sacred Child crying over the Book of Balance

This picture is for Yuricon, the link to which I believe is on my Links page

Another Midori picture for Yuricon, but this time at least in color

Midori and Yuriko dancing togeter

A picture of Sailor NeoElectra that I drew upon a request

A picture of Sailor Sirius and StarHealer drawn upon a request

Random Things

The rose and the hand I drew so as to distruct myself from embarrassment of watching The Laramie Project in front of my parents

A rather strange-looking tulip

Yuri pictures

This pictures are not only yuri, but they are also HENTAI. Therefore, they are not meant for immature audiences. If you want to view them anyway, you are welcome to click here. If not, please view only the pictures above