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8/31/03: That lesbian story I've been working on for the past two years is finally finished. Yahoo! It's called The Missing Shade, and can be found on my Obsessions page or just be following the link above. Besides that, I have actually uploaded several new pictures (hope you'll like them) not only to both of fanart and coloring pages, but to the Pictures page out here. I've also made a feeble attempt to organize the latter, but the result is meager to say the least. Well, so long for now!

7/23/03: OK, I obviously haven't updated in quite a while, but while the school lasted, my life was a living hell (senior year, uh!) My schedule was completely insane and, given the fact that I am a perfectionist, I had to study almost every waking moment. Then during the summer I needed time to cool off, watch some anime, read some (OK, only one, really) manga and lots of books. Then I also have other projects to attend to, such as translating Arthur Miller's The Crucible and writing my own original lesbian story (I've got 32 pages already, which for me is a record). But finally here I am. I've uploaded some new pictures to the BSSM site, mostly to the new Coloring Gallery and will attempt to do something about the terrible looks of opening pages for both BSSM and Utena sites. I might even get a navigation map, if I can figure out how to make it. Anyway, I'm open to suggestions and constructive criticism.

12/25/02: As you might have noticed, updates are rare and hence joyous events on this site. I just added the Pictures page, updated the Links page and put up the results to the personality quizes I took at Sailor Orion's Refuge on the About Me page. Hopefully, I will add several new pictures to all of my galleries in the nearest future. Anyway, Happy Hollydays, minna-san!!!

8/19/02: Hooray! I'm finally back from my summer vacation in Russia, and one update coming right up! You see, I just bought a scanner so expect many new pictures flooding over the site some time soon. Anyway, along with the scanner came several very cool picture editing programs, and I was actually able to use one of them to reduce all the pictures I already had in size. Now they are taking up a lot less web space so the site should be loading a whole lot faster. Now, aren't you glad? That's all for now. But remember I'm back and I'm bad. (Now that I've got that particular cliche out of my system, please carry right on).

5/26/02: Let no one say that I am as lazy as I actually am! Hey, I promissed the fun stuff page only what like three days ago, and guess what? Here it is. It's on the Sailor Moon Site, and it currently consists of the Senshi Resemblance Test, Senshi Personality Test, and a poll. I also created a TESLFWU (Things Everyone Should Learn From Watching Utena) page for the Utena site. I hope to expand it just as soon as I get my next wave of inspiration. I also added Search engines to each of my sites so from now on, they are a lot more managable. Enjoy!

5/23/02: Did you really think you'll never hear from me again? You wish!!! Anyway, I finally finished reorganizing my Obsessions pages and added some new ones (the work I started months ago!) Now they are a bit more menagable. I also added a few new fanart pics so go check them out. I am thinking of making some really fun stuff for my sites, but this idea is still on the early stages of development. Oh, well.

1/7/02: Merry Orthodox Christmas, Minna-san!!! Anyway, last night the snow level in Central PA reached like ten inches or something, and the school was cancelled. Lucky for me!!! I decided to use the time to update my page (and study for the chemistry test tomorrow). In case you haven't noticed, there are tons of mistakes on my pages, and I corrected some of them today. I also adopted a couple of new Utena characters. It just seemed to me that most of my adoptees before were from BSSM. Anyway, all well that ends well. I'm returning back to my chemistry textbook now. So long!

12/27/01: Hooray! Big update day!!! I uploaded some new fanart pics on three of the sites. Also, in case anyone hasn't noticed yet, I wrote a new BSSM fanfic about Haruka and Michiru. Please check it out. I thought it would be fun to create a calender page so here it is. Hopefully, it turned out better than I think it did. I also added some new "bits of wisdom" to my Obsessions page. Check it out at your own risk. You just might become as obsessed as I am. Oh, and I almost forgot. I created an Updates page, and here you are now. Well, Happy Holidays, Minna! Best of luck to you in the New Year!!!