Mocca:These wallpapers feature the characters from the manga/anime Slayers, Slayers NEXT and Slayers TRY. Non of these pics was drawn by Isabel. Neither the art or the characters are (c) to Isabel, but she did make the wallpapers.
All wallpapers are 800x600 in size and JPG files. To use them as a BG you'll have to make them BMP files first.
click on the thumbnails for a larger version
Garv, Zellas, Phibrizzo, Dynast and Dolphin, the Mazoku Darklords
Filia, the Golden dragon Priestess
Filia again
The petite redhead
Lina again
Hellmaster Phibrizzo
Isabel: the Wallpaper from Hell, the comp crashed when it was halfway done =_=
Mocca: Phibrizzo again
A groupshot from Slayers TRY
Zelgadis Greywords
Zelgadis again
And again
Lina Inverse, Gourry Gabriev and Zelgadis Greywords
Isabel: This one took me forever =_=
Mocca: Valgarv again
Isabel: Typical example of what happens when one mindlessly starts putting something together...
Mocca: Valgarv from before his rebirth and after it. The right one is the same only a bit altered
Amelia Wil Telsa Seiyluun...or somehting in that sense. What is that with princesses and long names NEways?
don't ask...
Gourry And Lina
Gourry and Lina again...sparkly
And again. More Lina than Gourry but what the heck
and AGAIN. This time with a darkblue bg
Lina agin, very fuzzy pic
no comment
Lina, Naga aaand....someone else, dunno her name
Valgarv, Xellos and Filia
The whole group from Slayers TRY
okay, this one SHOULD be at the origionals, coz it's fanart from Isabel, but she decided it would be better to put it up here <((^_^))> artwork (c) to Isabel
Another one of Valgaav, Isabel sais it's the crown to her work on this site ^_^
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