In the picture above, all I did was simply colorized the original skin, but I want to go further than that.
Since I am a total newbie on skinning, my skill is really limited. I am
only using the Half-Life Model Viewer and Paint Shop Pro to do the task. I want to do
a black protect gear skin that look just like in the movie, but I couldn't
proceed due to my lousy skills in image editing.
But wait, Dragoon
and m1st3r-X has made two black protect gear skin. So what are you waiting
for? Go grab them in the Protect Gear Black
section now!
There's even an awesome MG
42 to go with it!
Personally I
think that all the Counter-Strike player models crouched in a funny way,
which doesn't look good with the Protect Gear model. CS gamers should know
what I mean. Unless someone make a special MOD not using the Half-Life
engine; where the players stand, walk and run in a straight
What I made is this
Protect Gear Blue (what I name it), if you look closer you'll see that
I added some texture on it. Frankly, I myself don't really like it. Black
is the best!