Who is the man?

Mr. Bates is the man!!!

Mr bates has no physical form, he is just a entity.  He possess Alyssa or is justone of her split personalites.  He is from Clocktower 2 and he is the best person to be (of course you have to swich back and fourth to get to all the places.) just in case you got stuck in the room with the fire place this is what you do.

1. Make sure you have the amulet on you
2. try to put the statue in the fire place
3. try agan because you were interruped the first time
4. put the oil in
5. when the room shakes and Mr. bats stabbes Stephone, you have to find the amulet that is in the very far corner to the left. Its not exactly in the corner but its really small so it can be hard to see.
6. quickly put the lighter in the fire place

If you find out how to do anything in the hospital tell me. I had the nurse tell me to look at a file and then I couldnt' do anything else because all the bad guys were dead. anyway back to Mr. Bates.

This is Mr. Bates.

Like i said he possesses Alyssa so he uses her body to move around. When he encounters an enemy however...


As you can see he has no fear agenst weapons, Samuris or anything else for that matter. That Samuri has METAL ARMOR on! but Mr. Bates just kicks him in the groin anyway, because thats what he does.

Look!! a Samuri is submitting to him!!! that isn't supposed to happen! a Samuri only Sumits to Daimos. But apparently they also submit to Mr. Bates because he is the man!!

Look! he turned his back and the Samuri faces him to show respect!!

If you want to see a far away pic of him kicking a Samuri this is it. lol

She is the main bad guy in the game. She is Stephone, and is possessed by some Unknown force. Most likely it has something to do with the Maxwell Curse.  She looks an awful lot like Marionette...

This is What happens when you try to play the game as the Alyssa

But what does Mr. Bates do in the same situation?

Thats right, he even kicks little girls!

Now under normal circumstances that wouldn't be an admirable characteristic but under the given circumstaces its a cool way to solve his problem. lol

What happens when Mr. Bats Groin strking foot gets tired?

He just busts a cap on the closest, most threatening thing at the time.

This is also how Mr. Bates trys to handle the situation.


Even Mr. Bates couldn't take it but hes not dead just yet.

Mr. Bates don't take nothing from nobody... Not even take help!

Its a FEMALE NURSE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!  but apparently it hurts all the same.

Hes done it all, hes hit women, children and err... Samurais lol. I bet hes even hit old people but I only got up to the 2nd Chapter.

Mr. Bates was the man because doing what he does looks just plain funny and he has no mercy. lol

If you want to see somehting cool put even cut on
(which means by pressing the square button you can skip scenes)
and then get in trouble with a bad guy, then press the square button rapidly and then you'll see darkness for a second then the bad guy on the floor and hes walking away slowly in a cool fashion.

Thats all I have for now, why don't you check out...

Past the Man's
