Is the Man!!

From the moment I saw her I said "SHE IS THE MAN!!!" lol

Her name is the "Crimson Shooting Star" and she is from Geobreeders, I did a review of the anime in the anime section.

* I made all these pics myself with a digital camera and PhotoDelux so don't go stealing my work without giveing me credit and linking to my site! it would also be nice for you to tell me that you are using them! *

Her real name is Maki Amuzaki, aka the Crimson Shooting Star.

Ok, let me tell you why she is the man, first of all, SHE IS A 80's GANGSTER! lol, she has the gangster voice and everything, If I find a way I'll get a wav. of her voice, its kinda hard to get my mic near my VCR since its a floor away, so I'll have to find something that can record it.  The american seiyuu (voice actor) is one of the best ones I've seen in a while.  Kinda like how the american seiyuu in Ranma is really good.

She has a pimpish style kinda suit!

She only uses these Gangster style guns!

She holds her gun like this! lol, you can't tell from this angle, but she is chasing the bad guys and she shoots the UPS GUY!!! ahahahah, tottaly on purpose, she wanted that big awkward UPS truck to crash into the bad guy.  Hey, you can't be this cool unless you're a bit of a bad guy! lol

Speaking of being a little bit of a bad guy, she is stealing a cab right here. lol. (dont' worry she's not gunna shoot him if he knows whats good for him he won't squeal or else! lol)

"In order to beat a full power Vulcan weapon I'll need a high power rattie... MACHINE GUN AGAINST MACHINE GUN!!!"
This is a pic of her saving the day.

More machine gun stuff, a pic of her saving the day again.

A pic of her saving the office this time.

80's Gangsta' type rattie gun... coolness...

Well, pictures speak more than a thousand words, so do you belive me now? lol, she is really cool and deserved to be in this section.  Just listen to her voice!


*_* KKL

"yea yea yea yea yea"
-Crimson Shooting Star-

Maki: What!?! you wanna leave?
ok, just click on dis pic. for da Home page