Sniff is the MAN!!

I will not disclose the actual appernece of sniff, but I will explain why he is the for the week.  Now, just because he is the man this week, doesn't mean he beats the likes of Hideo Kojima, or Rahzel.  He is just the next person to be the man in the "Who's the man?" section.

There is no one thing that makes him the
man for the week, it is a combination
of three things...

1st occurance,
He was at a school dance, and took over,
he became the center of attention and was
suddenly the life of the party.  It was totally

2nd occurance
He made an online RPG, the address is _____
and he spent a lot of time, and work into it,
it is quite impressive and, well, its got the
IRRITATING STICK! lol. now thats just
cool.  If you want to join then join,
you can pick whatever character you want
but please... no pokemon, I don't wanna
have to slap you. lol.

3rd occurance.
Recently, Sniff and I went to the Maury
Polvich show, and sniff busted a groove
which resulted in over a hundred
people chanting his name, "GO SNIFF,
danced Maury Polvich, and was danceing
in the center of the stage.

Past "The man's"
