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Welcome to Cell & Kaioshin Obsessions!! This site is dedicated to the best villian-Perfect Cell AND the coolest god-Kaioshin of the East! You can click on either link, and they'll bring you to either the Cell section or the Kaioshin section. There you'll find a multitude amount of stuff-from their bios to images to fanfics. Take care!

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Cassie-email is below ^_^

I'm saying this for the stuff that's been happening around here. This site is for the people who like the characters of Cell and Kaioshin (Supreme Kai). I will NOT tolerate ANY abuse towards them in any way. If you feel the need to make fun of them, do not share it on this site, and you shouldn't be here in the first place. Otherwise, enjoy what there is here. Sorry...but I had to let people know... :)


August 11, 2002--Hey...its not THAT long since the last update...right? Well, here's something new for you guys. I've caught some of Cell and Kaioshin's conversations to each other on tape ^_~ Go listen to them! Sorry if the quality is poor and you can't here them that well...but my brother and I are still figuring this out. And a special thanks to AVC to posting them ^_^ Ciao!

July 28, 2002--Sorry...not really a good update...but I have updated my NEW email addy. If you've sent me something within the past 3 days...haven't and won't get it. And for some stupid reason, its not coming up on the link here it is: Take care!

July 3, 2002--Nothing THAT big...but thanks to AVC, I got this awesome background!! Isn't that sooooo cool!?! hehe. ^_^ I love it. I've got a Cell one to put up too, but right now I've been busy fixing up the fanfic site I've got. Then onto this one!! Yay! And yes, I PROMISE I'll have all the new fanfics I've done up soon. For now, just go to and you can read them ALL there ^.^ Enjoy peeps! Avoir.

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