You Know You Love Kaioshin If...
you have a mohawk hairstyle
you dye your hair white
you wear red boots
you're constantly drawing him
you wear earrings that resemble the Patoras
you stare at Kaioshin pictures for hours
you print and hang loads of Kaioshin pictures
you tape only the Kaioshin scenes from the episodes
you daydream about Kaioshin
you buy a box of DBZ toys just for that one Kaioshin figurine that's only an inch tall
you try to match your voice with Kaioshin's
you stand up very straight with your hands at your sides
you write fanfics about Kaioshin
you praise you height if you're short
you wish you were shorter if you're tall
you try to always smile
you act very polite
you try not to talk too much
If anyone has any "if you's" then send them to me and I'll give you credit of course.