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Welcome to my World

Saba:Velcome..Bwahahahahahaha*cough hack* uhg gotta stop doing that well as the tittle reads this is MY WORLD!!!!!!anywhoo this is where I post all my pic's and stuff so enjoy! Well when i get into gear and put some stuff up that is.


Saba:incase u havn't been here for a while u would now notice the pic titled Assemanemilie that's been up 4 ages but if u have just come in today heh..heh..heh YOU'LL BE BLOWN AWAY by the fact I've got another pick up just black and white thoughtbut I'll slowly colour the pic for your own enjoyment.By the way I personally think that the new pic is pretty good...
Saba: It's a miricle we actually have a PICTURE!!! Thats right I actually got around to scaning a picture and I know what your thinking Whoo hoo ONE picture bout bloody time (Scuse language)but anyway here it is.

Aoi pic This is a pic of Aoi from Miyu

This is what happens at assemanemmlie

This what happens when your sick at home have nothing to do, whatched cardcaptors, been on chat for a couple of hours, read a book about cardcaptors due to the fact little bro left it at home and read everything in the house including cook books......mmmm...satay style chicken roast....,Got a daydreaming (great habit fills in the hours that it takes to get to school by bus)and thought how cool would it be if i was a cardcaptor? sooooo I drew this.. Cardcaptor Saba

Well this pic has been done with photoshop and he doesn't have a name soooo if u think of one send it to us. Guy with his eyes hacked out

Yet again another nameless character...... a girl with curly hair
well this is my ADORABLE little elf girl that i drew drueing english. maannn when you think about it all my drawings are done during english... The cute Elf girl

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