Kapok: Hello! me again. 4 those of you who don't know, SI is "self insersion". It could also be self-injury, or something really random like skunk-influence, but we'll leave that topic now *edges away nervously*
It is the Kapok, Saba, and associated boytoys, going on rampage, and causing havok in general.
If you manage to hang past my louzy intro, you'll soon find out that Saba can be extreamly lazy sometimes, and I ended up typing up most of her parts for this. On the up hand, it means I can make sure that things are comprehensible, but, it also means that sometimes things take their own sweet time coming into existance.
Character Profiles are up!!! (still got a wait 4 Saba 2 draw the illo's thou)
Part Six
Double Dating Movie Marathon
This one is better. I like the way it ends... ^-^"
Part Six
Amusement Park
Our work in progress. Kinda stuck, coz Saba lost part five. but she promises she's rewriting it. yeah, right.
Part Four
Save The World
The one I started. This one involves the Z gang to a larger extent, something I felt was lacking in out other fics. So here we go.
Part One
Harry Potter Crossover
Had To put one in. I was watching the movie on the weekend, then had to decide on how to spend my time - athletics carnival, or Economics assignment. So, being the naturally resourceful creature that I am, I chose to do neither.
FF vs. Harry Potter in a CrossOver Fic!
Quizz: which Character you are most like
Well, I inherited all these magasines from my great grandmother. oracle that she is, I listened to the wisdom contained in those ancient volumes, and came up with this. and a great recipie for christmas cake.