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Ye Olde Conversationalists

Kapok:Oh... what shall i write... ummm...hi? urgh.
Saba:Well you can start by telling them about our page.
Kapok:It's a page
Saba:Funnie*rolls her eyes*well after much debating of our web page name*Earlier this month S:Were not calling it Kapok's reign of terror!!!K:Well it's more catchy than (in a boring voice)"Saba and Kapok's homepage"!" ahem well any whoo we compermised.A little.Sort of,well no.
Kapok:Well anywayz we gonna get it started so just sit tight and I'll try and bribe Saba to TYPE HER BIT!!!

Saba: Okay people we FINALLY HAVE A UPDAte and Kapok is not here.....sooo....I guess I'll I know.We finally have a picture in the Gallery and No one has sent any pics 2 me so SEND SOMETHING! I'm gonna add some more picures in cos today is the last time i'll see a scanner cos LAST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR ME!!!!( pokes out her tongue and pulls down her lower eye lid at Kapok's charactercure NYAAAAH!!)two weeks of FREEDOOOOOOOM!!!(starts to do a braveheart scene)
Kapok: Shows what you know, i'm flying outta here. (WHOOOOOSH.Leaves hole in the roof)
Saba:(Looking up at the hole in the roof) Well that's her part been and gone. (looks back down and smiles) well anyway were gonna get a chatroom, a guestbook, a life, a neuclear warhead, a forensic scientist.....(few hours later)..a army, a moon, a planet, a puppy, a advanced killing machine, a pacemaker, a volcano, a uncureable disease, a robo cat, ooh, and a computer that can give a decent conversation, a- (computer cuts in talking in a terribe accent of some sort) "What are yew talking aboot?"

Kapok: yep, I'm on my holiday over east somewhere, and I'm wondering if Saba carked it while I was away, coz she HAS NOT DONE NOTHIN'TO THE PAGE!! I may have said don't kill it, but I still thought you could have done something. I mean, it's not like you are busy holidaying (like I am). And even so I am finding the time to go on here. Hrmmmph. I am completely put out. you better be willing to grovel when I get back. Oh, and you spelt gUest book wrong.

Saba: Okay time for some information! we have now got part 3 of interview and part 2 of interview and ddmm is working again you'll notice if you have been to the page lately.^.^. Also I've got a tonne of drawings that I want to put up but I DON'T HAVE A SCANNER!!!!!!!!WAAAAAAAAAAAA! ahem well enjoy the new part of interview and I'm still trying to get a guestbook if the stupid site will make me a MEMBER!! Oh and nearly for got!>.< were doing another fic called Amusement park and have currently done one turn each and I'm finishing my second turn okay maybe I've been a little lazy.... Kapok: a LITTLE???

Kapok: I got all DDMM up in the fun-fic's, and, I feel, well, like a demi-god at least. Now I'm gonna get onto more of Interview - although Saba is holding back on part 5 (whereever it is), and start typing our third fun-fic, Amusment Park. (if your lucky) Till then, just dwell my amazing, wonderful, gorgeous . . . (wanders off into the distance, raving to herself.)

Saba: well were back at school and nothing much has been updated. . .but. . .on the bright side I've have a tonne of drawings and I'm gonna scan them in but they are all mainly black and white. . . . ^-^'''
Saba: And yet you are not writing the next bit of Amusment park!!!*turns to you smiles* You'll be pleased to know that our fics are getting longer and my last bit was three pages back and front!
Kapok: overjoyed. now i've got more of your illegible scrawl to type.

Kapok: I'm sure Saba is insane. before, I knew she was, like, clinically, but arn't we all? she's been missin school, but gilligan says she like showed up yesterday for a double of early childhood studies, then went home again. insaaannneee . . . oh, and while I'm doin the rounds, hi gilligan. there. public recognition. I hope it makes you happy.


Saba:Ello everyboody,(Hi Dr Nick)
Kapok: well, you our adoring public and I are still waiting for Saba to put up some pic's. still waiting . . . still . . .
Saba:(I defend myself.) Eh.
Kapok: Pathetic. I have no idea what she does all the time . . . well, yes I do, but watching cartoons is not constructive. at least not in the way of our web-site.
Saba: hey . . . your right . . . I never thought about that before. well. now I know, i'm going to transform my life, and live it entirely for this web-site. I vow, from this day forward, to make this the best site I ever made!!!, and while i'm at it, i'll make NUCLEAR WARHEADS. . . . .FOR THE NEEDY CUBAN GOVERNMENT!!!!!
Kapok: did you take your medication? last time we did that . . . err . . . well, weve never done EXACTLY that before.
Saba: I'm willing to give it a go.
Kapok: last one to create a reaction tube is radioactive ash!


Saba: There's more pics that i've done, just need to put 'em up. and i've discovered that the school has implanted machines that premote clapping, like those little machines that run along clapping . . .
Kapok: Yes. the forces of habit, and drone-thought. but, like, whatever. and . . . yeah . . . sure . . . Sign our guestbook . . . I am bored . . . and tired . . . but at least I don't have to attend the inter-school athletics carnival tomorrow. I'm going to sleep in. (then go to the zoo). Saba's going. Ha. Ha. Too tired and sick to put much feeling into that. Ha. Cough.

sometime in october. you lose track of these things in the hoildays . . .
Kapok: I am goin' for my drivers thingo this week! HA! now I will (leagally) be able to drive on the roads! (as opposed to the sidewalk) - and in a car! yes! it's all good. except for the bit about the eye test . . . any hoo, that aside, I . . . actually, there isn't much aside from that . . . last week, a bunch of us went off to the Show. kinda like a sorta amusement park. heh heh. ah well. it still stands.

17/10/01. one-oh-five pm. lunch.
Saba:OOOKKKAAAYYY ppl's well our school has restricted out internet use cos of some damn year eight's veiwing porno.
Kapok: And that wouldn't EVER have been you, would it?
Saba: HEY it nooootttt mmeeeeee it's noma and gilligan they just type in all these weird site names on my computer when they have their own to do it on.
Kapok: and you vallianty tried to stop them. sure. anyhoo, i am so happy! i got my learners permit! perfect score! beat that!!! . . . or don't . . .
Saba:*mutters* squid
Kapok:december child. your just jealous.insanley jealous.
Saba: Hey I'm way younger than you and your already starting to get wrinkley old woman wait is that a grey Hair???
Kapok: no. i think you need glasses. i'll sell you mine.
Saba: Yeah right.. yours are dodgy...REAL dodgy...
Kapok: on second thought, maybe I'd better not. I need them to drive. *Flash eye sight examination.*
Eye guy: Okay can you read the bottom line?
Kapok: Uhhhhhhh nooooo......
Eye guy: okay take a step forward. now?
Kapok: noo...
okay this contiues untill she's bout 2 cm's away from the chart.
Eye guy: okay try now
uhhh..noo.uhp-wait, hang on . . .is that a . . . Z???
Eye guy: no. that would be an A..
Kapok: Oohhhhh......

Monday 3-11. 1 11pm.
Kapok: we-eh-ell, i am finally getting around to thinkging about updating this shito web page. shito is my own personal variation on the word shit, and it looks better written than when it is said, so i'll just write about it. there is a five thousand word essay on it in my den, for those of yousa who want to read it. nah, actually, now i'm just giving you shito. oh well, over to Saba
Saba:well Kapok is still happy from saturday when she bought a CD..sad i know.....but on the bright side i did manage to find a bulma doll and i bought a 16 figurine it was the last one!!! well we have a few more fanfics that were writing...
Kapok: but then Saba lost part five which she was ment to be typing up ova the holidays . . .
Saba: I SWEAR u never gave it to me..well now i have to write that up AGAIN - but now i can change it . . . hmmmmmmm Kapok CAN be a sideshow freak now heh heh
Kapok: HEY! that never happened.
Saba: in the old one, yes, in the new one . . . heh heh heh
Kapok: anyone ever tell you you sound like an old man when you laugh like that? no; the new version will fit in with the continuation of the old ones.
Saba: . . . . your mean. U could almost become a sideshow freak by mind control
Kapok: or in your case, lack of. I am ending this now. we'll have new stuff soon. Thursday
Saba: Hi there how is everyone today? well our school is being reaslly evil and won't lets into anything so if you excuse me for a bit *rumages around in a chest of some sort* (in a mufled voice) now where did i put that chainsaw.......
Kapok: Yea. Vell, dis school is a hole, but i'magonna blow dis joint (literally) when i graduate in less than a year. Saba wants ta put id in da piano, but i prefer the catwalk above the theatre - id beving da bomb, ov course . . .

Tuesday . 5 . 2 . 02 . the first day back at school
Kapok: I am a senior now. and am quietly freaking out.
Saba:Hi. school sucks. boring.

Saturday some time after christmas at 4:09 pm
Saba: okay hello everyone long time no see huh? (pretty odd considering i can't see you i can only see dead ppl oh wait i can see you * points to a wierd ghost*) well christmas has been and gone......wasn't that excitin actually.....but on the bright side i scored 50 bucks of my relitives.....what have i been doing today? well...slept into 10 ish..maybe 11 whached videos.....princess snake is scary...reaallll scary......bit psyhcotic maybe i'll invite her to my next birthday haven't done anything....sure i've drawn....but that's bout it....i lied about the manga..weelll actually i lost it heh heh heh *whispers* don't tell Kapok. okay? good... well i have to work....if it wern't for the money....

I've forgotton mysh watch, so I don't know the date. Thursadeey, I thin - k.
Kayprrrok: I have fynished my exams for this yee -harr. I am pleased aboout that. I got really stressed out then, and now i'm hayving odd dreams about failing my biology exam, which as REALLY weird, coz that just ain't gonna happen. So i'll probably try and type up some more of um . . . vhat was it we woz up to before i started studying? urgh, i've forgettin now. oh well. whatever. maybe i'll just . . . not . . . ah . . . wash it Amusement Park? i tink so, but u canz neeva be suuree . . . hey, wait a moment. there are some comments un AMP4 that i didn't make. this is weird. read what's up there Saba, i think it must have been like Hackers or elves or one of our friends or something. very weird. but just so funny that i can't take it out. u read it, k? oh - and Gilligan? i've taken down the link to your site 4 u. U can chuck it or fix it, whatever. you coulda asked me, anywayz. and besides, I don't think - then again, maybe it would bother him. Damn elves.


Kapok: I've made a new page to display all out little "conversations" as they were taking up too much space on this one. they wouldn't be if Saba didn't have to be so stubborn about everything. anyhoo, this is it

And From The Fun-Ficks Page:

Saba:Okay, this page is basically fanfic's that me and Kapok have written 2 each other. Me being the genius I am started it all!!(grins at people, struts around and says "Thankyou oh please your 2 much" 2 people who are clapping and then she flings her hair to the side)
Kapok:Uh-huh. Anyhoo, all the good bits are in my sections, but u betta read Saba's to fill in the gaps and provide sick detail. you'll know what i mean when u get there. . .
Saba:(whaks Kapok with a rolled up staurday news paper)IT'S NOT THAT BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kapok: (shrugs indifferently) depends what your used to.
Saba:(mumbles)Blind duck
Kapok:(matter of factly) lost pig. This could go on and on, so I'm ending it here. read it if your desperate.

Saba: Okay we now have some of our fanfics up and were gonna add on more later as soon as we type it!^-^''''
Kapok: And i finally got Saba to surrender her half-typed bit over, just in time for the graphic scene it's named after. So. anyway. now we have a Part 3 of DDMM, yippee! I spose it rests with me now.

Saba:Well we have part 3 of interview up and part 2 of interview and ddmm is working again!!yay!!

Kapok: well. now part five of interview is waiting on Saba, and well, part for of DDMM, err, well, um, that's me. but i've typed all the bits after that, so they'll all come up real soon. real soon.

Kapok: I've done it! I've done it! i knew that I could do it, and indeed i did. I'll accept emmeys, oscars, and monetary donations - hell, even spoken one'l do. DDMM is COMPLETELY typed in it's entirety.

25/10/01 11 past 1 PM
Saba: WEll it's update time tooodaayy Dum de dah! *does a bit of made up tap* well we have come to the recent notfication that we actually have REAL people that means you FABULOUS ppl out there for using our poll and are enjoying our site PLEASE we encourage you to e-mail and send in some of your own stuff.
Kapok: 'scuse the sycophant over there.
Saba: okay maybe i'm a little over enthusiastic at the moment but you should be happy to know i have some drawings that i'm wanting to put up as soon as i find them and get my hands on a scanner. I also have one new pic in my gallery and should be adding more links today. Oh and on it's grand opening we are going to have a manga page in which is our drawn manga and one i'vemade up and some half finished junk. It will have our amusement park manga and the one that i made up dosn't have a name yet though.....

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