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When Guys Kiss

There are many guys who are friends, but are they really? Are they more than just friends? Here you can see all of the guys who I think are in a... relationship. Email me if you disagree. I will post your comments to see who agrees and who doesn't. You can also email me guys who YOU think are in a relation ship. Hope these facts and hints help you in anyway! Buh Bye!!!!

Taichi and Yamato

Taichi and Yamato are very good examples for this page. You know that these guys are much more than just friends. There are many facts and hints that support my theory about these two angels being more than just friends. In 'Evil Shows His Face' (or whatever the episode is called) the bath tub scene helps prove that they are more than just friends. I can't explain what it is that helps prove it, but theres just something. Maybe it's this part in this scene (it was cut in the english version). When Joe won't go in the tub Taichi and Yamato both jump out and drag him in. Naked! ^_^

All the times they fought were because of either a disagreement, or because of a rush of emotions. In 'Subzero Ice Punch' Taichi and Yamato fought A LOT. Taichi wanted to go back to Infinity Mountain while Yamato wanted to find the other kids. They punched and pushed each other to the ground. Near the end though, Taichi ended up saving Yamato from falling to the bottom of the cliff. It was quite moving actually. They also worked together to beat Mojiamon. Another good example of a 'More Than Just Friends' relationship.

In one episode Taichi was under a lot of pressure. All of the kids told Taichi that he should be the leader. Yamato helps Taichi by saying something like "When you left for a long time we fell apart, and you were the one to get us back together. You can do it Taichi!". That's not exactly what he said, but you get the idea. Taichi felt better after that. Also, in one of the last episodes of the first season, Taichi was hurt in the battle against Piedmon. Yamato holds Taichi in his arms and says he's sorry for leaving, or something, and that their friendship means a lot to him. (AWWWWE!!!!) Cute huh?

Conclusion: Oh yeah! There's defintaly something going on between these two!

Heero and Duo

Lot of people think that the Gundam boys are gay. I haven't seen all of the episodes, only 1-4 and the Endless Waltz movie. Still, I have a pretty good idea about the relationship between these two. Sure, Relena and Heero are lovers, but that doesn't mean Heero and Duo can't love eachother! The Endless Waltz movie has lots oh Heero and Duo moments. Like when Heero wanted Duo to punch him. Duo gave Heero his best punch, but Heero punched Duo in the stomach by suprise, and he passed out. That is one of my most favorite moments!

When Duo and Heero were in the spaceship flying towards the base (or something) a bunch of mechas start to fire at them. Heero tells Duo that he is depending on his flying skills to get them out of this mess. That builds up Duos confidence. Heero is a very cold guy, and he just expresed his thoughts to Duo! And they do get out of it! ^_^ That might not be a good reason, but it shows that they are friends at least.

If I had seen more episodes then I would have had more reasons to why these two are more than just friends. Actually, in episode 3 Duo saves Heero from that government building place. Afterwards, they get their Gundams back. So thay help eachother out, even if they do get mad at eachother. Like in episode 4 when Heero stole parts from Duo's Gundam to fix his own. Boy was Duo mad! ^_^ If you have more reasons for why these two are more than just friends please tell me.

Conclution: Hell yeah! Everyone who's seen Gundam Wing knows that theres something going on between these two!

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