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.:for the last time:.

Fan Fiction.

This page is dedicated to my weird-ass stories I write in the backs of my school books, read at your own peril. And after reading them, you'll be able to tell who I really think are kewl, and those whom I just hate for no reason. The first one is just a few lines long. I got bored -_-.


Everybody knows the effects of war can be catastrophic, and they're usually worse between the 'closely related' nations. It's like a fight between two best friends. When Goten and Trunks fight the safest place to be is in an underground bomb shelter, doing duck and cover, with your fingers plugging you ears, in the most remote and empty place on the planet. Ari normally made it to the closest door before either Trunks or Goten called upon her to back them up, if she was really unlucky, they both would. Ari was glad boys didn't fall out very often, she felt very sorry for all the guys, they never quite knew if her and Rumiko were friends or not.


Some poor souls have absolutely no luck at all, not even the tiniest smidgen. And isn't it odd how those people have Grandparents with a dangerous addiction to newspaper quizzes and contests? I don't understand why, but I've been left with both. I only have my grandparents and my mum, because my grandparents were only children, and so was my mum. My mum ((Sylvia)) married my dad ((Herbert)) and had my older brother Kenny before I was born. But, when I was three my brother Kenny and my dad were killed in a slip-up on the motorway. I don't really remember them much. I spend most of my life either at school, hanging around with my wealthy best friend Patrick or living at my grandparent's bungalow. I live there mostly because my mum is an air stewardess; she gets flown around the world to serve drinks to people who can afford to travel by airplane. She's been nearly everywhere my mum, she's even been to my most desired place in the world, Honshu ((Japan's largest island)) it's home to Juuban where Naoko Takeuchi lives, and were Sailor Moon was set. Hmm. She's the greatest, Naoko that is. "One day," my mum promised me before she left last week. "When we have enough money, I'll take you, mum and dad to Honshu with me." I remained hopeful of this till Wednesday ((yesterday)) when Granddad blew the last of mums wages on broccoli. There's only one wage coming into the bungalow, it's mum's. We wish we could help her, can't, my grandparents are old and retired, I'm too young to work ((I'm only 11!)) so my mum has to work three times as much, just to pay for the essentials. Sometimes I can't believe we make it though on such small money. Being so poor, I get a lot of stick from the people at school, the pretend to be my grandparents by using an invisible Zimmer frame and walking stick, they move so slowly and complain a lot. They only do this because it pisses me off. I don't show this though; Patrick says they'll just do it more often. Patrick's so cool, he's mister popular and yet he likes little old me, the scruffy down trodden piece of dirt. People think I just hang out with him because he's a lot better off than I am, and he's popular, but we've known each other since we were two. I can still remember when we were three, he really tried to comfort me when my brother and dad died. I've never told anybody this, but one day, I can see myself and Pat' being married, deep down, Patrick sees it too, it's just we don't really talk that much anymore because of his stupid friend Jack. If there's anybody I'd like to rip limb from limb it's him 6 out of 10 times, because the other 4, it's my supposed friend Tanya, she's almost annoying as Jack, but I know her weakness'..
**'Back to school today. I can't believe the Xmas holidays are already over. I hope I can walk up to school with Patrick, we've become really close again over the holiday. Especially the day after Christmas, we went rollerblading down town, and he rolled into a lamp post. He may be Mr. Popular, but that doesn't mean he can skate. When I'm older I want to be a professional ice skater, we went to one those talent seeking thingy's a while back, and the woman said they I have great potential as a skater. My mum has been saving really hard to get me those lessons; she really wants me to have a chance at something. Patrick's always getting me to try new sports, I'm really good at Hockey and baseball, he says I have a killer instinct. Maybe I can use it against Tanya and Jack. What worries me is Patrick really really, likes Tanya. I don't blame him, Tanya's tall, seductive, blonde, already **matured**, and who am I? Just your average 11 year old.why am I thinking this on a Thursday anyways? I love Thursdays. Thursday is the day me an Patrick take a trip to a Zoo, or a theme park, a skate park or something fun we both enjoy. I.oh wait a sec.ugh! What is that terrible smell? Don't tell me Granddad's burnt the toast again. I'll go check...grrrr! Why do ties have to be so damned stubborn?**
I managed to tie my tie properly and then I charged out of my bedroom, down the landing to the kitchen. I opened the door and Grandma Harriet was dancing around the kitchen with the mop, singing along with the radio to Craig David's 'What's your flavor?' My Granddad was doing something resembling the Hawaiian hula dance whilst he popped his false teeth and began to move them about in his gob. Yep, the toast was burnt, it was defiantly a Thursday. I realized my favorite baseball cap was resting by the micro wave, it's light blue with dark blue lines going down it. I have the whole outfit including a small tight white t-shirt, a jacket, trousers and baseball boots. My grandparents don't approve, but then again they were them.
The song on the radio changed to my favorite TV show song, 'My only love', from sailor moon.
"I'll make a wish, on a shooting star." I sang along. "There will come a day.Somewhere far away."
Somebody knocked on the door and I was struck down mid sentence.
My grandma moon walked down the landing and opened the door to Patrick. I looked down at him, I blushed a little. I tucked in my shirt, grabbed my bag and navy blazer and quietly left the house.
I put my blazer on and put my cap the right way around. We were half way down the street when Patrick spoke to me.
"Have you heard of Rammstein?" He asks
"Hell yeah!" I reply. "Engel is the best song ever."
Patrick nodded in agreement. He began to hum the chorus tune. I eyed him with curiosity; He began to whistle the tune like in the song. I began to sing the chorus when he returned to humming. It's incredibly hard to sing in German you know.
**I can't believe how cool Patrick is with back to school. I wonder what we'll be doing this afternoon. I hope it's not the Zoo again. It was fun, but 2 weeks in a row would be a bit much.**
**Who the hell is that?**
I looked around.
**oh hell, it's Jack, what does he want? Shouldn't he be on the bus?**
Jack ran across the road towards us.
**Just look cool**
I struck up a 'casual' pose leaning on the lamppost looking down with my cap covering my face about from my mouth. He looked at me briefly as he walked past.
"Hi Ari."
He looked puffed out. He walked on ahead to Pat'.
"Patrick, have you heard? The schools been burgled!"
**! Isn't that odd? It wasn't on the radio, and a letter wasn't sent home- it's the end of the holidays and he knows that? Impossible**
"Really w..." Patrick was saying.
"How can you know that?" I said angrily pointing at him.
"Keep your big fat butt out of this." He spat back.
"No! I'm in on this; if you don't tell me I'll tell everybody you did it!" I yelled at him.
My arm move and my finger nail was starting to cut into his skin.
"So what if I did?!" He yelled back.
He grabbed my arms and threw me out of the way. I landed on the pavement and rolled a bit. Patrick frowned and bit his lip.
"What did you do that for?" He stepped forwards. I jumped to my feet and brushed the dust of my school clothes.
"It's fine, I'm fine, let's school." I began to walk away but Jack grabbed my school bag.
"Not so fast. Aren't you interested in the robbery?" I sweat-dropped. Jack scared me, he was three years older than me and had been held back until he could pass the end of year 7 exams. High school had always seemed bad, even when Pat was around, but dumb old Jack made it worse.
He spun my bag around and I fell to the floor again. My bag was sent flying into the road. I looked up from my lying on the pavement position. Jack smiled down at me. I knew he enjoyed picking on me, but wasn't this becoming bullying?
**I can't believe it's Saturday and nobody's come home yet.** I had the right to worry now. It wasn't normal for people's grandparents to vanish for three days. I rolled over, my clock said 7:45am.If I didn't get up I'd be in trouble. But then I realized, there was nobody here to tell me off. I just kind of shrugged and rolled back over to face the wall when I heard the post being stuffed through the letter box. I groaned. I hate having to open the mail; it's always bills or stupid 'sorry you've lost' letters from the newspaper competitions. I sighed. **Maybe it's a letter from mum or granny.** I yawned and stretched out. I rolled over again and climbed out of bed. I put my pink fuzzy slippers on and padded down the landing to receive the mail. I bent down and flicked through. Electricity, Gas, Water.the usual bills. I groaned. I'd gotten out of bed for this? I was dumber than I thought. I threw the bills down onto the stool by the door, turned to head back to my room, when I realized a little white envelope was caught in the corner of the mail box. I thought for a moment. **You never know.** I padded back to the door and pulled it out. It had gold printing on it.that was odd. I ripped the envelope open, and took the letter out. 'Dear Mrs. Sawai,' It dragged on for a while until it came to a huge gold print that said 'Congratulations'. I smiled but turned white. I laughed. There was no way the Sawai's would win a mansion in Honshu with 3 million pounds worth of electronics, gizmo's and stuff. With a bonus prize of no bills for 5 years. My face started to turn back to it's normal color. **what the heck!** It had just hit me this letter was for real. I jumped up and down in my green pjs. "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" I was screaming. Four plane tickets fell out, we didn't have to pay for them either? "OH! MY! GOD!" I screamed again. I ran into my bedroom and began to change my clothes. **The Sawai's are going back to Japan!** The truth of my family was, my granddad was half Japanese, and when my dad died mum went back to her maiden name. I pulled on my big blue jumper, the one Patrick had given me at Christmas because I had a really bad cold. I grabbed the letter and ran out of the bungalow, doing as people did in movies, leaving the door gaping wide open. I took a left turn, so I was running down 'Forest Street', then I ran across the road ad down the alley leading onto 'Gloucester Road.' I rand down Gloucester, and turned left again. I finally made it up to Patrick's house.mansion sorry. I pressed the door bell. It rang the ever annoying tune of 'Why do birds suddenly appear', it played over and over until finally Mr. Smith answered the door. He was wearing an expensive suit as usual, holding a glass of wine in his hand. **.Rich People.** "I'm sorry," He says. "We don't run a home for the needy. Now goodbye." **The jerk** He slammed the door in my face. **What's his problem today?** I decided to ring the bell again. This time Patrick opened the door. He looked like a fool dressed in a posh suit too. He smiled. "Hi Ari!" He opened the door fully to let me in. I scurried in past him, with a stupid grin on my face. I reached into my pocket and withdrew the letter.
**wow.** You wouldn't believe how small England looked from an airplane. I was feeling queasy, the idea of flying over quite a few continents and countries didn't exactly thrill me, I guess it was just the fact of leaving that stupid ton, where all the nightmares and bullies were. But soon, they would all be over, soon I would be in Honshu and everything would be OK. "Kon-ee-she-wa." The man on the audio cassette said to me. "Konnichiwa." I uttered. "Mer-oo-she." He said. "Merushi." I reply. I was listening to a tape that taught people to speak Japanese. If I wanted friends, although they could never replace pat, I'd have to try and make them, with no mistakes! My mum was giving me a sort-of happy look. She was a member of the cabin crew, and got off work when we touched down in Honshu. But that was still ages away, about four hours. My Nana was sitting next to me humming along to the radio station. I couldn't quite tell you exactly what song it was, but it sort-of sounded like 'What's your flavor?' Yup, I think that's my Nana's favorite song ever. My Granddad was in the seat in front of me, snoring loudly and uttering the occasional swear word or two. That was the really odd, thing, Granddad never swore when he was awake, maybe it as a repressed memory, or just a dumb excuse to do so. I always thought of dumb excuses to get as many out as possible. I had swore in front of Nana before, and she'd washed my gob out with soap. It was lavender and took about two weeks to remove the taste from my 'mouth'.
I was busily admiring my new bedroom. It had been mine for three whole days! My bedroom was a big as our kitchen in England, and the kitchen was big! It's going to be my birthday next week. I can't wait mum says I shouldn't. "ARI!" I heard mum shouting from downstairs. "ARI COME HERE! WE NEED TO TALK!" I sweat dropped. I knew that whenever mum wanted to 'talk' I was in trouble. I walked slowly into the living room. I could sense my mum was upset about something. She told me about it, everything, every nasty detail. She didn't want me anymore. I was going into an adoption centre. What could I do? I just stood there, in outrage and grief; my fists clenched so tight my knuckles turned to white. I could feel my body shaking with pure anger, how could my one remaining parent do this to me? How could Nana and Pappy let her do this to me?! The chance of ever seeing Patrick had gone from possible to none existent.


What happened before this story - Ari was really unlucky, then her family won a mansion in Japan, the place she wanted to live most in the world, but not long after they got there her family ditched her in an adoption center. She'd tried to run away, but always got caught. The time before she gets adopted she jumps over the garden fence (she's good at martial arts) and runs down the street. She has a backpack with all her stuff in it, she's got it on her back. She's also being chased by the people who work at the home. She bumps into Vegeta, who thinks she's trying to steal something. He hands the screaming Ari over. Bulma finds out about the misfortune and feels sorry for the girl. So she goes and adopts her when Vegeta and Trunks are out training. When they come home, they are anything but pleased. But over time, they both grow fond of her.

The door opened slowly and Ari came in at slow time, her face was down, Vegeta knew this meant something was wrong. Her hair was a real mess, she had tear marks left like burns down her face and her eyes were puffy. Vegeta walked over, as he did so he realized she had bruises on her neck and what he could see of her arms and legs. Ari's school uniform ((a sailor white sailor shirt with short sleeves and a long blue pleated skirt)) was mucked up too, had she been in a scrape with Yukumo (he best friend from school) again? Vegeta always thought girls fought rough, especially when he'd seen Chi-Chi and Bulma fall out. Ari fell to the floor, as if all her energy had gone, she was on her knee's with her arms straight to support herself. She began to cry again, a whole new river of tears flooded out and floored. This was bad. Vegeta didn't really know how to comfort crying women (or girls in this case), he'd never needed to, Bulma and Ari always stood up to people, they were tough and could fight back. Ari was almost as strong as Yamcha ((who she adores)), if somebody had done this to her they must have been strong. Vegeta walked right over to her and knelt down. He put his hands on Ari's shoulders and pulled her closer. Images shot into his mind, ((Ari has a special kind of power, who people touch her, she can tell them with images what happened to her.))

Ari was walking home and laughing with Yukumo. Yukumo stops, says goodbye and goes into her house. Ari carries on down the street where she meets her boyfriend Edo (he takes martial arts class with her) and a handful of his friends. The grab her, and drag her into a quiet ally. They hold her down and Edo begins to strip her. He is then on top of her and Ari is crying out for help.

Vegeta sat sitting on the floor now, embracing the tearful Ari in his arms. He'd never seen anybody do that to a person, or wanted to. He felt really genuinely sorry for Ari, but what was done had been done. He looked down at the 15 year old girl. He had no idea what to do. Suddenly, from no where, Vegeta landed a kiss on top of Ari's head. Ari didn't seem to notice. He planted another on her forehead. Ari looked at him, what did he think he was doing? His grip became tighter and he kissed her again. Ari let out a scared kind of squeal.


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