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It's hard to find e-wrestlers nowadays who really are memorable for positive reasons. The following five people are whom I consider the best. This is NOT based solely on RP'ing. It also involves their willingness to help new or lesser talented people out and their ability to carry a good story. That being said, let's see who wins!

#5 November (E-Pro)

November was a fellow E-Pro member. As most of us did, November assisted in writing matches for the shows, which were generally extremely long and obviously required a great deal of work. He was one of the "big three" in E-Pro, and competed in the Round Robin style tournament with Ran Jishu and Azrael Ravenell for the Heavyweight Championship. I personally thought he was crazy when he told me he requested to not win the title so that he could instead be the guy gunning for it, but then I realized that it would make for a great story. His RP's weren't quite as marijuana-inspired as Ran's, nor were they off-the-wall Satanic like Azrael's could be conceived as. Cheers to November! Now, on to...

#4 Markus King (SWA)

Markus King is getting this award solely for worshipping the ground I walked upon!! Well that's only PART of the reason :). Markus wasn't one of those super outstanding guys who gave you an RP comparable to a Shakespearean tragedy every time he posted, but he at least gave you something you could read. It was a good mix of character dialogue and physical action to keep you entertained. Good job, Markus!

#3 Chemo Sabe (MPW)

Ah yes, the great Chemo Sabe. He easily carried the entire MPW storyline he had with Inferno, and he did a perfect job of it. When he RP'ed, you knew something good was coming. I can remember the time he compared Inferno's attempt to win the World Title to Wile E. Coyote trying to catch the Roadrunner. Chemo Sabe is also responsible for the Masked Monster, whom I can easily guess was ManDeep the Great :). Also, of all the people on this list, Chemo Sabe is the only one whom I RP'ed against and lost to, and not by a fluke (i.e, I focused on character development instead of putting down my opponent.) Chemo was damn near impossible for anyone to beat, but I DID outlast him at the final MPW Pay-Per-View, so I'm proud about that one! Well anyway, we're down to two! Let's see who scores next on the list....

#2 Ryp Fandango (GCW)

ANYONE who was, is, or ever will be in Global Championship Wrestling WILL know the name "Ryp Fandango". Ryp started GCW, and was bar-none the best RP'er the fed ever had (other than myself, of course. HAHAHAHAAAAA!). When I saw a Ryp RP posted, I just had to see what kind of craziness he was up to next. He was apparently the funniest guy in GCW, though I'm sure I could have easily usurped him :). That's a funny word. "Usurp". After I threw him in a Port-o-Potty at a GCW Pay-Per-View, he was right on me with a Chinese guy impersonating me going "ME RIKEY EGG RORR!". Yes, those of you who have seen me do that, Ryp is the one I stole the "ME RIKEY EGG RORR" bit from. Well four have come, and now it's down to the number one guy. Here he is...

#1 The Kaiser

The Kaiser was THE MAN!! While he didn't have that little extra bit of spice that Ryp or Sabe had, he easily made up for it with his (I guess I can use this word) professional attitude. Most guys wouldn't even reply if I had asked them if I could set them on fire to betray a stable. The Kaiser, however, kindly agreed AND even altered his backstage spot and entrance to coincide with him being turned into a human torch! Plus his entrance theme was "Ride of the Valkyries"! How can you NOT like that?!

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