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The 2013 BARC Mini-Fundraiser

Dates: September 10, 2013 until October 4, 2013


BARC was recently instrumental in assisting the Greater Seattle and Oregon clubs with a number of Berners in need of assistance. In addition, the auction held on September 7th in the Midwest had 16 Berners up for auction. BARC was able to get most of them, but needs funds in order to provide vet care and assistance prior to placement. This is your opportunity to help make a new life for these rescued Berners.

BARC, Inc. (Bernese Auction Rescue Coalition, Inc.) is a non-profit corporation dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating Bernese Mountain Dogs from dog brokers, dog auctions, puppy mills, pet shops and any other dangerous, exploitative or abusive situations. BARC, Inc. places its rescues in loving pet homes as spayed or neutered companions. BARC is a 501(c)3 organization. so part of your donations may be tax deductible - check with your tax consultant to see how to handle your donations.

You can visit their website at:!

Now let's see how much money we can collect. Everyone can participate!! Show your support for BARC by sending in your check today!!

Ticket Prices

$5 each
6 for $20
30 for $50

Send your U.S. check, payable to "BARC"  to the address below.
Please include the following:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • E-Mail Address
  • Number of tickets you wish to purchase for the Grand Prize and the Quilter's Prize

Send to:
Joye Neff

1182 Firwood Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15243-1881

(Please note, Joye has a NEW ZIP CODE!!)

** I can accept foreign cheques with no additional fees to convert the funds to US dollars** 
  **All foreign cheques should be made payable to: Joye M. Neff and sent to me at the above address

This year there will be the Grand Prize

The "Velvet ears and squishy noses" Quilt

Made and Donated by Michaela Simmons-Lackner and her friend, Allison Parnham

"The quilt, if we may say so ourselves, is really lovely. I have this fetish for Berner ears and noses and the quilt pays homage to it. To their ears for their velvety expressiveness and the latter....nah, can't explain it. But they are cute, shiny and huge. Ali, the quilt's co-creator, did all the tricky bits and I did all the fun, easy bits :-) To capture the velvet ears and teddy bear noses we used fleece for those. And to humour the kid in all of us we put squeakers in 3 of the noses. So it is a squeaky quilt. Front, back and batting are cotton.

Dimensions are 82 inches x 56 inches

PS Live model may or may not be included depending on his level of naughtiness at the time of raffle draw and how his mum, Allison, feels on the day. Answers to the name of "Murphy" and likes Vanilla Pound cake, chasing butterflies and sitting in any chair you intended to sit on. Like the quilt, he also has velvety ears and a cute nose. Unfortunately, his nose doesn't squeak. Yet! "


I just did the drawing of the very lucky winner of the wonderful Berner quilt made by Michaela Simmons-Lackner and Allison Parnham from the UK and the winner of the quilt is........Kerry Batting from New Jersey.

The lucky winner of the instructions to make the quilt is......Cindy Smith from Ontario.

We were able to raise $5,083.91 for BARC with this fundraiser.




Alternate prize, the Quilter's Prize

"Velvet ears and squishy noses" Berner quilt pattern

Do you like the quilt but think,

"Hmph. I would choose different colours/make it bigger/make it smaller/do it much better/want to make it myself."

Excellent! Go for it ! We will send you the pattern, with detailed cutting and assembly instructions, diagrams and photos. And if you ever hit a snag, we will be there to help solve it. It is immense fun and easy to make ( especially when teaming up with a friend, like we did).

It would be brilliant if you would make one, keep one....and then perhaps donate one. To a cherished Berner loving friend in need of cheering up, to your breeder for saying 'thank you", or to a Berner charity.

Whatever you want to do with it, we hope you love making it. We hope you love donating it. And we know any recipient will love getting it.

The only thing we ask for it that you don't sell it. Be that the pattern, nor the finished quilt. It just wasn't designed for it. It was designed to be a gift to Berners. And it should only be used as such. Thank you!"

E-Mail Joye

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All materials on this site copyright © 2002 by Joye Neff - All rights reserved.

Page Design by Karen Pickel
Web page by Jean Cheesman