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The 2006 BEHAF Fundraiser

(BEHAF, Berner Emergency Health Assistance Fund )


Leah Levy has again made a challenge for our current Fundraiser. Leah has a company that makes grain free dog treats and she is donating a 300g package of Rewards Training Treats to all donors who make a donation of $75 or more to the 2006 BEHAF Fundraiser in loving memory of her sweet Comet, who died of malignant histiocytosis. You'll get to see Comet's photo on the label of the treats when they arrive at your home for your Berner after the fundraiser is over!! Leah donated 150g packages of dog treats to our 2006 Willem Wijnberg Cancer Fundraiser and from all reports, the treats were a HUGE hit with your berners. This time, you can get double the pleasure for your Berner with your $75 donation.

I'll be waiting for your checks and cheques to arrive!!

Joye Neff and Nicky (and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

Flint River Ranch Pet Foods

Comet's Page on Histio Roll Call