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Results of the
BMDCA National Specialty 2006
Health Fund Quilt Raffle Below




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BMDCA National Specialty 2006
Health Fund Quilt Raffle
BMDCA Specialty

The BMDCA & Heart of Michigan Bernese Mountain Dog Club
Welcome you to Frankenmuth Michigan for the BMDCA National Specialty.
May 1-6, 2006

BMDCA National Specialty 2006
Health Fund Quilt Raffle

"This queen sized quilt was made by a number of people on more than one continent. It will be raffled at the Specialty in order to raise money for the BMDCA Health Fund. By Michigan law, the person whose name is picked for the raffle item has to be present in order to win. (And I know that Joye Neff will be present, right Joye? And where the quilt goes after the show is no one else's nevermind!)

Karyn Beyer had the idea for the quilt, and this photo was taken before it was backed with black and quilted with gold thread. I hear it is even more spectacular since the quilting was done. This is a true work of art, and one that would look beautiful either on a bed or as a wall hanging! Be sure to look for it in Frankenmuth!! - Pat Long"

Tickets will be sold for the quilt on Friday, May 5th., the winning ticket will be drawn at 4pm that same day. You will have until 4 pm Saturday to claim your prize.

Results of the Raffle

"We raised $1775. Anita Mueller, (the winner?) wouldn't stand still long enough for me to confirm her name!"

queen size quilt

" I started the handwork to get the binding attached last night, and have decided I love it too much and it is not leaving my house. If you want it, you'll have to come and get it! :-)

Seriously, it is just stunning. The quilting came out beautiful, with hearts, loops and pawprints. The binding is black with small gold dots (like the lattice) which adds the perfect frame. I've attached a couple of close up pictures, so you can get an idea of the quilting and finished edges. And in one of the pictures, you can see what/who I found curled up in it this morning!

Berner quilts - not just for the dogs! Karyn"

Heath Fund Quilt Raffle detail;

Quilt Raffle detail

Health Fund Quilt Raffle Quilt, not just for Berners?

Site Graphics by AHM

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