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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends



Please 'Like' me on Facebook!

My rescue boy Titan is entered in a photo contest on the Thats Your Pet Facebook page, and if he gets the most likes they'll turn his photo in a painting as well as greeting cards people can buy! If you have a moment to spare please 'like' his photo on their page:

Or search for Thats Your Pet on Facebook, scroll down to Titan's picture (he's the only BMD entered) and like it.

Titan came to us at 18 months old through the Mason Dixon Bernese Mountain Dog Club Rescue. Now 5 and a half he is a lovable goofball who will do just about anything for a belly rub or a piece of cheese. The highlight of his week is a toss up between a romp in the woods or saying hi to the kids at the bus stop in the morning.

The contest runs through Friday Feb. 8th '14

Thanks everyone!

Heidi in MD with Titan
(who is very sad the temperature will be above freezing today)

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