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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Arty (formely Otto)

Julie and Michaels's ten-ish year old Airedale,
their new Rescue Boy who is bringing them lots of smiles!

Sadly their beautiful Irish Setter, Tara, was lost to cancer early last year
Tara's Tribute Page is here

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Friends' Gallery * Page 1 * Page 2 * Page 3 * Page 4 * Page 5*
* The Dirty Dogs File * The Halloween File *

*Samson's Story *My Gang *Sunny,Simmy,Barney,Pixie *Friend's Gallery *In Loving Memory
*Histio Roll Call *Bernese Art *Berner Fun Stuff *Berner Articles & Info *Berner Shop
*Longlease Links. *Humour. *Guestbook. *Berner Fundraisers *Recent Updates *

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