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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Gracie the Rescue Berner

Gracie, was adopted on December 27th 2010 by Shonda McCord and family.
She had been rescued by Vilma Briggs from an Amish puppy mill on December 20th 2010.

"We're taking it very slowly, and she's responding in a fabulous way. She has not been to her crate all day today (to hide) and just a few moments ago I was sitting in the floor with Kelly, and she came over on her own to be petted. How awesome is that on day 2???"

Update April 3rd 2011 ~ such a difference in her now~ she has been with us for a little over 3 months now and her coat is shiny and luxurious and she has filled out to become a lovely lady. These pictures were taken today. In comparing the pic below to the pic above where she is sitting in the same pose, the difference is breathtaking! Shonda McCord

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* The Dirty Dogs File * The Halloween File *
*The Natural Grazers File*

And 2 Very Special New Additions to our Friends Gallery

*Celebrating our Berner Veterans*

*Our Endlesslove Gallery of Friends fighting cancer*

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