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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends


Lorna's new puppy


"During this difficult period, (and after losing Buttons to lymphoma in Feb. '08) I realize how lonely I was without an animal to share my life and after a lot of thought, I went to our ASPCA and fell in love with "Link" - a 5 month old puppy who is part beagle, springer spaniel and boston terrier and has been a joy to have around. Yes, he has been a typical puppy-biting, chewing, accidents and all of that stuff but my problems seem a little less serious when I have a new pup to look after and love. Angel Buttons has been watching over us and she gave me the OK to bring this little guy home and even let him borrow a few toys of hers!! I got my camera out over the weekend and took a few pictures of him. There's me, Link, my mom and cousin in them. Enjoy!"

Lorna and Link

And In Loving Memory of Lorna's Angel Buttons

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