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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Sadie and her Frog Baby

These fun pictures from Brenda Broome!

"For 3 years every Spring at about 6 PM the frog would come to the door looking for Sadie and calling her. For a week or 2 before time for it to come Sadie would sit at the glass door every evening and watch for her frog. The one evening Sadie would leap up and run through the house to the pet door. She would stay out on the patio with it until after dark and come in. They would play together every evening and then when the weather would start to get cool in the fall froggie would disappear, and not return until next Spring. Sadie always knew when it was time for the frog to come back and she would sit and watch. She would always lay down and try to nurse it. We know it was the same frog because the first year Sadie unknowingly was too rough and broke it's leg. "

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