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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Introducing Tilly

Sarah, Dave, Josh and Jess McTighe's new Berner pup

"Here is a pic of our new puppy as I know you would like to see her, she is doing really well and although she will never replace our darling Fudge it feels like we have had her forever. She is totally different, which is good, and she constantly makes us laugh!"

December 19th and Tilly is all set for her 1st Christmas!

In Loving Memory

Fudge's Tribute Page on Histio Roll Call

*Next Friend*

Friends Gallery * Page 1 * Page 2 * Page 3 * Page 4* Page 5*
* The Dirty Dogs File * The Halloween File *

*Samson's Story *My Gang *Sunny,Simmy,Barney,Pixie *Friend's Gallery *In Loving Memory*
*Histio Roll Call *VeteranBernese *Bernese Art *Berner Fun Stuff *Berner Articles & Info *Berner Shop*
*Longlease Links. *Humour. *Guestbook. *Berner Fundraisers *LostandFound *Recent Updates *

*Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Home Page*

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