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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Tesoro's Big Weekend
Tesoro's BG page

Please excuse but I need to brag. Tesoro and I went to the Santa Barbara Dog Show last weekend.

Most importantly we saw my nephew Hank, before he went off to college, spent time with my good friend, Lynn, made some new friends.....and had a blast in the ring!!!

Friday...Winners Dog and Best of Opposite Sex
Saturday...Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex
Sunday...Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of BREED!!!
Monday...Winners Dog and Best of Opposite Sex

It was such a thrill going into the group ring and hearing them announce "The Bernese Mountain Dog....number 863."....and that was our number! There was even a Swiss contingent I had met earlier and they were hooping and hollering for us.

What a great weekend...thank you Denise Dean and Linda Mack for trusting me with my most wonderful boy, Tesoro. And many many thanks to all my friends and Kathryn Blink, my conformation teacher for their help and support on our wild ride in the show ring!

Cheers, Diana and my beautiful boy dog, Tesoro

Tesoro dreams of more treats for running around a ring with Mom!

For earlier pics of Tesoro

Introducing Tesoro

Christmas Greetings

Happy 4th July

Happy 1st Birthday



Happy Thanksgiving!

Merry Ho, Ho, Ho!

Happy Valentine's Day

It's Spring

First Show

In Loving Memory of

Fidelio Donato

Donato's Death Cap Mushroom Flyer

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