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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Cooper the Sandman

Brandywine Winston's Little Duce Coupe

Born October 19th 2007

B-G Dog ID = 55802

With many thanks to Barbara Morss for this wonderful pic of Cooper


"My son and I took him and Katie (my 9 1/2 year old Berner girl) to the beach yesterday. I don't know if he was trying to eat the sand or just flopped his head down in it."

In Loving Memory of Barbara's Angels

Katie Winston
April 24th 1999
to October 24th 2009
aged 10 yrs 6 mths
B-G Dog ID = 52160
January 2nd 1998 to
November 24th 2007
Sadly lost to Histio
B-G Dog ID = 16180

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