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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Berner Pup, Jamaica, is One!

With many thanks to Karen Alexander for these pics of Jamaica celebrating!

"She made it to one and in a berner wink of the eye, I will be adding a zero after that number!

Sanduskys Southernmoments Jamaica Jane is ONE today."

January 22nd 2007

Happy 1st Birthday, Jamaica

Jamaica and Cindy
Jamaica and Cindy
Jamaica, Cindy and Willow
Cindy, Willow and Jamaica

{short description of image}
"OK, Cindy! It's my Birthday, let's play!"

"Seems it's my Birthday so I get to pose and wear a tutu?"

"I'm not too sure about all this, help me out here, Cindy!"

{short description of image}
"Jamaica! I am not sure if this is the best way to get you out of that tutu!"

{short description of image}

" OK, I am posing! Do I get the Birthday Treats Now?"

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