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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends



From Lynn Alvarez

"I must honestly tell you that on the day this picture was taken, I wasn't sure if I should hug him or punt him over the fence. Mr. Gee decided on a wet March day in 2004 (he would have been 10 at the time) to dig out under the fence. Why? I dunno. This was the year he escaped 13 times. This particular time, Tobie my Berner girl, bolted into the house, burst open the door (yes, my dogs can open my back door - problem is they don't close it behind them) to tell me that something was not right. I went out and found only a golden butt sticking out from my side of the fence. So, I went around and pulled the dirty boy out. He dug so many holes that year - it was almost like doggy Alzheimer's or something, he'd never done this before - that we barricaded the fence with all kinds of found objects. We still use a giant log to block the hole he dug under th back gate. After McGee's passing, I haven't been able to take down any of our silly barricades. What is really strange is that this picture was taken on March 17, 2004. Mac died on March 17, 2007. "


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