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Quellen Bernese Mountain Dogs,
Molly Bass and her Berner Gang.

All of us - Bogen, Raven and Bianca - in that order

Xmas Bernese
Bogen wearing his purple balloon at the party - all 3 dogs wore balloons around their necks - now that is a stable temperament!

Balloon! Bernese Mountain Dog with a very stable teperament

New pics from Molly, she now has new Monster Bernese Pup, Kosak. Long story here relating back to our much missed friend Anne who died of Lymphosarcoma last year who bred the most amazing Berners and Kosak is part of that inheritance!

Introducing Kosak!

Kosak! Berner pup
Berner Pup, Kosak

Kosak Kosak 2

Kosak3 Kosak 4

More Quellen Bernese, Raven and Kosak's Pups - A New Generation
<click here>

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