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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Welcoming Bernese Pup, Zoe

Bernese Puppy, Zoey, with Hannah
Hannah and Bernese Puppy, Zoe, meet for the first time

From Chris and Herb Baker who bred Zoe:
"One of our little girls went home to join this pretty 2 yr old Hannah & her about to be one yr old "Tucker",in Philadelphia, Saturday.... Zoe & Tucker are half siblings, insofar as they are both Sweetie babies.... Upon arriving home, the Burnell family immediately started taking pictures and sent them to us....Within an hour or so, you can plainly see that Hannah is a "Muse",or a "Pied Piper" if you choose, with Berners....Many of you have seen Hannah and Tucker on our site or, or Jean Cheesman's wonderful site, and now there is an addition to the family.....
Hannah and Zoe went into the crate to nap, as Hannah does with Tucker----
So, you will be seeing the trio of ' Hannah,Tucker & Zoe' soon..... "

Bernese Mountain Dogs Tucker and Zoey
Tucker meets Berner Pup, Zoe!

Bernese Puppt. Zoey
Zoe is home!

Tired Berner Pup
"Are you feeling tired, Zoe? Been a long day!"

Bernese Bedtime
"Night, night! Sleep tight!"

For those earlier pics of Hannah and Tucker
<click here>

More pics of Hannah, Zoe and Tucker
<click here>

Bakers' Bernese Blessings Website
<click here>

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