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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Welcoming Bernese Mountain Dog,


With many thanks to Danielle for these wonderful pictures,
"Here is Hudson celebrating her 1st birthday (April 23rd '03) and being her crazy self!

Happy Birthday, BMD Hudson
Happy Birthday, Hudson!

Bernese Mountain Dogs Love Birthdays!
Bernese Mountain Dogs love Birthdays!

Bernese Birthday Cake
Bernese Birthday Cake! OK! Bring on the real McCoy!

Bernese Birthday Plate
"OK! A Happy Birthday Plate! Where's the grub?"

Bernese love Birthday cake
Bernese Mountain Dogs love Birthday Cake!

Berner on the Beach
Berner, Hudson, on the Beach.

BMD Hudson & Kallie
BMD, Hudson, and Kallie.

BMD Hudson and the Beach Gang
Berner, Hudson, and the Beach Gang!

*Next Friend*

*Samson'sStory. *My Gang .* Sunny,Simmy&Barney,* Friend's Gallery.*
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