Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends
Bernese Puppy, Sam These beautiful pictures of new Berner puppy, Sam, from Martha Hoverson. Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy, Sam Berner, Pup, Sam, with Mom. "Don't be shy, Sam!" says new Sister, Molly! "That's better, Sam. We'll see what's cooking!" "And I'll even share my dinner with you!" "That's right! You can have mine now, I'll just see what you've got!" "Oh, we're all so tired!! From Martha, 23rd June '03 "Sam is now 12 weeks old. He and Molly have become boon companions. She is up early with him (5 am!) every morning, after having been a fairly late sleeper up until now. We can't get them to eat out of separate dishes, so I suppose that tells us we have no food aggression issues between them. Both are using Molly's ramp to go out to the backyard, and Sam has learned "ladies first;" he always waits for her, even if she stops halfway down!" For earlier pics of Molly and the story of her problems with HD & ED <click here> *Next Friend* *Samson's Story *My Gang *Sunny,Simmy,Barney,Pixie,Herb *Friend's Gallery *In Loving Memory* *Histio Roll Call *Berner Veterans *Bernese Art *Berner Fun Stuff *Berner Articles & Info* *Berner Shop *Longlease Links. *Humour. *Guestbook. *Berner Fundraisers *LostandFound *Rescue* *Recent Updates* *Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Home Page* |