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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Bernese Mountain Dog

Cooper Gandolfini is One!

With many thanks to Chris and Herb Baker and the Gandolfini family.

"Thought that you would like to see some photos of Cooper Gandolfini's first Birthday party on March 8th.. It seems that Cooper a.k.a. Wee - Valiant decided that he is not going to be a wee one year old... What a difference a year makes. "

Berner Cooper opens his presents

"Now what's in this one?"

{Berner Cooper with Mom

Happy Birthday, Cooper!

With Mom, Marcy!

Bernese Cooper with Michael and Jim

Bernese, Cooper, with Michael and poodle pals!

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Cooper with Jim Gandolfini and Bernese friend.

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"Hey! You like my Biirthday Cake?" says Cooper.

For pics of Cooper as a wee born Berner Babe, then known as Prince Valiant
<click here>

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