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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends


the Bernese Mountain Dog

Mika, the Bernese Mountain Dog.
Introducing Mika, Zoe Hanscombe's beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog.

8th April 2002......New pics from Zoe, how Mica has grown!

Berner Mika
Bernese Mountain Dog, Mika, in the Sun.

BMD's love snow!
Bernese, Mika in the Snow!

BMD's best friend is a snow loving small boy!
And OK, this is not another BMD, but couldn't resist this!
Mika's best pal, Rhys, just two years old who loves snow too!

And the latest pic from Zoe, 12th April '04

Happy Birthday, Mika

Happy Birthday, Mika! Who is 5 today!

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