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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Crossed paws for Cheto

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for the latest Cheto Update, Nov. 8th'05

"Hola guys!

I have a puppy story I want to share with you all.

A little over a week ago a client called me saying that his wife had "stepped over" their 14 weeks old berner pup, Cheto, with her Suburban and took him to the nearest vet and asked me to go get him and see what was wrong. The first x-rays showed the left femoral head fractured in several pieces and sacroiliac luxation, so we went into surgery to see what could be done. Given Cheto's tender age his bones are very soft and we couldn't use pins, wire or plaques to reduce the fracture, so we had to remove the femoral head and neck. I decided to take him home with me because I didn't want to risk an infection. Three days after surgery I was very worried because he wasn't using the other leg, so we went back to the hospital and took more x-rays, now we realized the acetabulum in the right side was fractured and the femoral head had moved into the pelvis compromising the rectum, so we took the very difficult decision of removing the other femoral head and neck as well. So now we're working very hard in his rehabilitation and I'm trying to socialize him as much as possible, he is a very brave and loving boy, loves to play with Abby and Dylanne, who are the best nurses. He started to swim in my tub today and is starting to get used to a cart I made for him.

Is going to be a while before he can run and jump, but he WILL!!!!

Send some healing vibes his way!

Laura and the MexGang
Berners Ravel, Brie, & Dylanne, bossy yorkie Abby and cat Lloyd,
along with our AngelDogs Normann, Baxter and Tani.

Laura Lopez-Mendez, DVM Mexico City


Cheto rehab

Cheto Swimming


"And last night he actually WALKED!!!! Just a few steps in his x-pen, but that's the beginning! "

HUGS and MORE HUGS for Cheto

News on Chico, 7th Sept '05

Hola guys! Here you have a small video of my brave pup yesterday at the acupuncture session, in the first portion you'll see him wearing a splint on the left leg, on the second portion he's walking and using the leg properly without it Ü!!!! The ac. dr., Susanne, told me he will only need one session/week from now on (instead of 3), which is wonderful because the "little" beast hates to get the needles put on and I have to muzzle him...he bite my nose 2 weeks ago and got REALLY defensive, nothing I tried made him accept it, so now we muzzle and hold him tight for the 30 sec's it takes to put the needles on... Susanne is amazed with Cheto's progress, she told me yesterday she thought it'd take us at least 3 months to have one leg functioning and maybe 6 to 10 months to have him using both... aren't dogs amazing?!?!? hugs, Laura

<click here>
for the video clip

Latest news 18th Sept. '05

"Hola guys! It's been 3 months since the first surgery and I'm thrilled to announce that he's now walking, running, going up and down stairs and even "jumping" on his own and without the need of splints!!! Still a while to go, but for now he's a happy, well adjusted, healthy boy. I'm assuming he's in no pain as he doesn't require any meds for it. He loves everybody and everything... except for the acupuncture needles ;-). I'm sending him home this week, I'll miss him, but is the best for all. Promise I'll keep on working on the things I've told some of you I'd do and send them ASAP!
Thanks you all for your support!!!!!
Laura and Cheto "

<click here>
for this video clip of Cheto

Nov 18th 'O5 from Laura
"Went to visit Cheto today... he's such a happy boy!!!! He can go up and down stairs, romp in the garden and in the woods (where he goes every weekend) and acts as a normal, healthy pup. His legs do look funny, but apparently he has no pain. Here you have him!

<click here>
for a wonderful new clip of Cheto having so much fun

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