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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Car Boot and Fun Day Entertainments,

BARC logo

With thanks to Val Taylor-Wood and Phil Harfoot for organising this FUNdraiser
in aid of BARC, Bernese Auction Rescue Coalition

"The Cornish Times came out today, Aug. 5th '05 and our Fundraiser day pics were there, in the top pic Phil has Maddie, then me with Baz and my daughter Claire with the Berner ' imposter' >G< the pic below is my Baz just in case the print does not come through for you too well, the little guy Tom was so sweet, he wanted to take Baz home! Val"

Fundraser on behalf of Bernese Mountain Dog Rescue

"The first photo is Sarah Lillicrap opening the day, then some of the traders , my daughter & Tom the 'Berner', then Phil waitng to take entry fee's at the gate, our stand, and Dan our juggler. "

Berner FUNdraiser Opening

Bernese Imposter

Phil at the gate

Val's BARC Stall


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