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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Rescue Berner, Daegan Black

2 yrs old today 9th April '06


These beautiful pictures of her Berner Boy, Daegan, with many thanks to Krista Dickey

Berner Boy, Daegan

This mail from Krista to Berner-L today
"Hello all. Thank you so very much for your encouragement & tips. Just to update you, Daegan had his gold-bead implants on Thursday (23 of them!) & it was pretty funny to watch him come out of the anaesthetic. I've never seen such a funny "drunk". He does have an infection in both his ears & a skin infection also. Everyone at the vet clinics were fabulous & I can't express my appreciation to all for allowing me to be with my boy as much as possible until he went under the anaesthetic. I did not like to see him asleep on the table though... It seems his arthritis is not quite as bad as anticipated, but he does have it in all of his joints & a bit in his spine. He has slight hip displaysia, but the saddest thing to me is that his joints are all "loose" & the vet seems to think it is due to lack of exercise when he was young. He was just pretty much left & he has consequently not developed properly. #

However, today is his birthday & he is two years old & he is having a much better life. We are working on developing what we can now. We walk & play every day & swim once a week. Last week he swam almost the whole time by himself & even without the lifejacket once! He is always so excited when I come home from work - this week he has taken to removing all my cowboy boots (three pairs) & running shoes from the rack & any shirts,sweaters or jeans he can reach off the bed & depositing them all in the living room. He doesn't chew them, just scatters them around. I have been laughing myself silly all week seeing this! We are enrolled in the Nanaimo Kennel Club obedience training & will endeavour to get the Canine Good Neighbour & then, hopefully, Daegan can also be of some help as a therapy dog for kids or elderly people. I think his disposition & his own limitations will greatly encourage anyone. So, that's my story for this week."

With thanks to all, Krista (& Daegan Black) Nanoose, BC Canada

Yeh! I'm going swimming!

Daegan swimming
Hey! I'm faster than you even though this lifejacket slows me down!

Happy Birthday, Daegan
Rescue Berner Boy, Daegan, now running free and so happy now!

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