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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends


Baxter Bernard Wilson

Born February 13th 2007

B-G Dog ID = 51542

With thanks to Robyn Wilson


"Baxter means the world to me. Baxter is only 2 years old and I feel he has a whole life to live. He just reached maturity. He is our baby and we love him dearly."

Prayers are needed for Baxter right now as he was diagnosed with B-Cell Lymphoma on July 17th '09.

Baxter's lab. results and documentation

<click here>

He is currently undergoing treatment with the Wisconsin CHOP protocol at Red Bank Veterinary Hospital in Red Bank, NJ.

We will keep you updated with his future treatments as there is a possibilty that this boy may be a candidate for stem cell therapy.

With much sadness Baxter lost his brave fight against lymphoma on February 15th 2010

*RIP Baxter*

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