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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends


CindyKay Webster's Berner Mix

Now 15 yrs old

"Dawson, has had a very long and wonderful life. He has spent his whole life, since we found him at a very young age, on a 10 acre horse farm where we get snow every year. It doesn't get much better than that for a Berner...... even though he is a Mix!


March 17th 2009, Prayers needed for Dawson

"I just found out why our 15 year old Berner mix, Dawson, started coughing this weekend. He went to the vet yesterday and I did some research this morning. He is in Congestive Heart Failure. We've always known he had a slight heart murmur but, just like his one bad hip, it never was a factor in his quality of life. The Vet put him on a generic Lasix, which is a potent diuretic, to try to deal with the fluid in his lungs. No pronosis on how long he will live, may be a very short time, or how long we can keep him comfortable......."

Dawson and his little "sister" Rozet
(who has lived with him HER whole life since we rescued her at 9 months)

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