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Carole & Tony's Crew.

Pebbles the Bernese Mountain Dog

Pebbles, Carole & Tony's Bernese Mountain Dog

Dad with Gin and Rex

Tony with Guiness and friend Rex.

"We are ex-pats(me from Dorset, hubby from London)living in Connecticut with our Berner, Pebbles, a six year old girl, and Guinness our six-year old mutt. Pebbie is our very first Berner whom we adopted a little over a year ago. She has given us a powerful insight into the fascinating world of the BMD, and the two girls get on really well together although they have really different energy levels. "

Carole and labrador puppy, Rex

Carole with labrador puppy, Rex

Tony with labrador puppy

Tony with Rex

"Rex, the lab puppy belongs to a neighbour but wanders across into our yard to play with Guinness. We don't seem to have fences here in America. Since all our doggie neighbours seem to understand that we love dogs, we have become the depository when they go on holiday and leave their pets to our care. Guinness is the sort of girl who gets on with all dogs, and since she has more energy than Pebs, she loves to have doggie visitors. Pebs mostly just ignores them after the first sniff. She is the typical "velcro Berner" just sticks to my side wherever I happen to be."

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