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ESRA Booth
at the Western Reserve Kennel Club Summer Show


5th Sept. '02 from Lynnea.

"Two weeks ago was the Western Reserve Kennel Club summer classic show, and I had an opportunity to work in the ESRA booth and meet all of the people with whom I had been emailing for months on end. We made some nice money for our rescue. Attached are some pictures of the booth. Attending Canine Fun Days this coming weekend at a nearby polo field. We will again have our Springer Rescue booth, foster dogs, peanut butter bones, et. al."

ESRA Booth 1

ESRA Booth 2

English Springer Rescue America English Springer Rescue America

ESRA booth pictures courtesy of Tracy Thompson.

"Also, get ready for the newest story about The Sweetums Express!

She came in as a stray, is 13 and in an animal shelter in Rochester, Minnesota, as I write this. The Sweetums before pic is how she looked when she came in. Hey, back in the 70's I had hair like that too! The worst part is, I paid to have it look that way! Sweetums after is courtesy of an ESRA volunteer named Ann, who gave Sweetums her haircut. Ann will be picking her up on September 13 and Sweetums will stay overnight with her. The trip is planned, but I'll be sending along a disposable camera for each person to pass it to the next. By Sunday night, the 15th, she should be home in Berea, Ohio, and have met with her new sister Pooh and brother Freckles.
Take care! Lynnea, Pooh & Freckles
Angel Patches (01/17/1991 -- 01/18/2002) left her paw prints on our hearts"

English Springer Spaniel, Sweetums
Sweetums - Before!

Sweetums after haircut
Sweetums - After!
Pictures of Sweetums courtesy of Rochester Animal Shelter in Rochester, Minnesota

For more of Lynnea, Pooh and Freckles go to *Friends' Gallery page 33*
For Angel Patches go to *In Loving Memory page 23*

For ESRA, English Springer Rescue America,

English Springer Rescue of America


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